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In dropsy the scales stick out from the body like a wood rasp. If your female molly has been in a tank where there is a male molly present then it is almost certain that she is gravid (pregnant).

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Q: How do you know if a black mollie is pregnant or has dropsy?
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Don't get your hopes, high, because goldfishes DO NOT, umm... become pregnant. Most probably, it might have a case of dropsy. Quarantine it immediately (I don't know if dropsy is infectious, but don't risk it.) and examine it closely. If its scales are protruding, the fish is doomed. If there is no signs of anything like that, relax. It is most probably ... carrying eggs? and there is no disease infecting it.

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Dropsy can not be mistaken for any other disease. The scales of the fish stick out from the body like a rasp or file. The disease is incurable and can usually be traced back to poor water conditions.

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You will know if you are pregnant if you miss your period.

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They are older. When she was performing on the Britains Got Talent show in 2007 she was six and brother Josh was 14 and sister Mollie was 12. I don't know when Josh's birthday is. Mollie's birthday is May 9th.

How do you know when you black mollly pregnant?

If you bought your female molly from a pet shop where the mollies were all kept together then in all probability she will be pregnant. You will notice that she puts on weight around the tummy area.

Do guinea pigs know when there pregnant?

Yes, the females will know when they are pregnant. Other females will know too if they are housed together. The males will know because the pregnant female will have nothing to do with the males if she is pregnant.

Pregnant while being pregnant can both baby's survive?

You cannot become pregnant by a second child while you are already pregnant.