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The bruise will eventually change colour over time, when it eventually turns yellowy or light green your bruise is nearly healed.

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Q: How do you know if a bruise is healing?
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Can massage dissolve hemtoma of muscle?

NO! The body has its own way of healing a bruise. If someone has a bruise - do not massage it!!

What do you do for a hamster bruise?

Well, it's like any bruise. You wait for it to heal. Make sure to give your hamster nutritious foods to speed up the healing. If it is a bad bruise, bring it yo your vet.

Is it good to massage a bruise on the face?

No, it is much better to just leave the bruise alone. You can ice it for the first few days, then use moist heat, such as a warm washcloth. The body is very efficient about healing any bruise.

What is the source of the yellow color of a bruise that is healing?

Blood oxidation in the sub dermal skin layer.

How can you heal a tail bone?

A bruised tail bone will heal over time. There is no strategy for speeding healing of a bruise.

I got a huge bruise on my leg about a month ago by getting hit by a softball then halfway through the healing I got a bug bight there why is the bruise still there?

The bruise consists of blood that's leaked out into the tissues, and if it's a big bruise it'll take the body some time to break down the stagnant blood and get rid of it.

How does macrophage function during healing bruise?

The macro-phage function is giving to the blood cells. This can cause death in a person.

White spot in the middle of my bruise School nurse said it was a blood clot IDK what is going on At first it was a small pea lump the over night turned into a giant bruise on the back of my hand?

You will need to see a doctor if your bruise is changing colors and has a pea sized lump. A doctor can make sure that the bruise is healing and there is no immediate threat to your health.

What causes a bruise to change from purple to yellow?

Bruises change from purple to brown to green to yellow due to the breakdown of the hemoglobin pigment found in the red blood cells that leave the vascular system when the vessel walls are damaged.

Why is there a bump under a bruise?

When you forcibly strike the body hard enough to leave a bruise, you break capillaries under the skin. The blood leaks into surrounding tissue. Any time there is bleeding, even on the inside of the body, a clot forms to stop the bleed. A small clot under a bruise just means your body did its job to begin the very first steps toward healing.

What happens to the underneath skin of bruise?

it turns purple because blood rushes to the bruised area in order to begin the healing process

How do you know if you have healing powers?

You can know if you have healing powers if you're a doctor.