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they have a special call they use

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a male is larger then females

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Q: How do male and female dolphins find each other?
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They depend on each other so they can hunt for food and proctect them selves. Why do Dolphins depend on each other?

You've already answered your own question. Dolphins depend on each other for protection, to help raise their young, and to find/kill food

Do dolphins eat shark?

Dolphins will only eat sharks when they are very hungry and cannot find any of their usual foods. Normally, sharks and dolphins avoid each other ok.

Are dolphins hermaphrodites?

No, they are not! If you dissect a female you will find a bunch of eggs, but not if you dissect a male squid.

Are dolphins common in new jersey?

Yes, you could find dolphins in the cape may and other coastline beaches

What do dolphins depend on?

Most dolphins usually eat sqids and fish, but orcas also eat seals, penguins, and sometimes other whales. (Orca is also called a killer whale, but it is known as a large dolphin.)Dolphins will prey upon any fishes that are smaller than they are.Dolphins prey on fishes

What helps dolphins eat or find food?

Dolphins work together to find food, often "herding" school of small fish up onto reefs and sandbars. The dolphins then work together, taking turns to feed while the other dolphins keep the fish herded.Dolphins have well developed echolocation, by which they locate other animals and objects in the water. It is also how they communicate with each other.Dolphins have between 45 and 63 small, sharp teeth, which enable them to tear food into smaller pieces.

Where dolphins find food not how do they find there food where do dolphins find food?

In the ocean.

How did people find out that dolphins evolved from other animals?

by their homologous organ sturcture

Where can you find dolphins' pictures?

There are many places where one can find pictures of dolphins. One can find pictures of dolphins by visiting popular on the web sources such as National Geographic and Dolphins World.

Where do dolphins find water?

Dolphins are born in water, and never need to look for it. In terms of drinking it, they don't, they get the water they need from eating other fish.

Where do dolphins find their water?

Dolphins are born in water, and never need to look for it. In terms of drinking it, they don't, they get the water they need from eating other fish.

What is whiskering?

Whiskering is when a male bunny puts its whiskers onto the ground. This leaves a chemical sign that the female bunny can find with her whiskers so the bunnys can find each other