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For me i would try so hard not to show it. I would ignore him and show him i don't like him. I would always stare at hm though and get mad when he talks or flirts with other girls. Sometimes i would show him i like him so i don't completely lose him.

For most girls though she would laugh at all your jokes and smile at you. She would also try to get ur attention but not too much. She would tell her friends she likes him and they would propply ask him. She would aslo get mad when he flirts with other girls. Bye hope it helped!!

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Q: How do you know if a gril likes you?
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If she ignores u every single moment

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Look at him with another gril and see how you feel.

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She is a girl (not a gril) or a boy

How do you get a gril frined?

tell her you wanna hang out some tmes to get to know her and ask her on a date then after the time is right and she starts to have felling for you then ask her to be your one an only turly aka gril friend

How can you tell if a gril likes you?

As a girl when I like some one I usually talk to them a little more and try to get to know them. Also if she starts to look at you at random moments of the day that is usually a good sign. Oh and try not to burp around them.

What is Cody Simpson ilke about gril?

Cody likes it when a girl doesn't have to change for him.he wants a good kisser, funny, outgoing,not afraid to be herself.

Are you really going out with lilmama?

am a gril i would never kiss a gril but my mommy on her cheek