

Best Answer

because then it would have a spark losserator and then mariontine production forms

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Q: How do you know if a wire is an energy source?
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Is a wire a example of a energy source?


What is the energy source of the telephone?

the telephone wire it is connected 2

An energy source that begins with j?

I don't know an energy source, but there is the unit of energy, the Joule

What complete path is formed when a wire connected to both terminals of an electrical source?

Potential energy

What moves from source to receiver in a wave motion?

Just the imparted energy. As with water or electrons in a wire the energy moves and the medium stays in its local area.

What is the source of energy for solar energy?

The sun Edit: As I know it's photons.

What is an example of a conducter?

A wire carrying electricity to a load. The wire conducts the energy from a source to a device. That connection in a complete circuit does work.

What do you know about autotrophic organism?

The process of obtaining energy from the source

When DC is past throgh coil of wire what is formed?

When a current is passed through coiled wire, the wire will store some of that energy in a magnetic field. As soon as the source of the current is removed, the engergy in the magnetic field will return to the wire.

Why is sunlight such a promising future energy source?

Sunlight is such a promising future energy source because it is the only energy source that will stay as long as we live, as far as i know. Oils, gases, and other energy sources like these will eventually go.

What arguments can you make to say that hydro electric power is the best source of energy?

Well i don't know but this is a guess:It's a good reneable source of energy

What is the ultimate source of energy of life?

water is ultimate source of energy or................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . maybe is it sun i dont know either sun or water it's your own answer