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Class III firearms, such as machineguns, short barreled shotguns, etc, must be registered with the BATFE, and any transfer of ownership must be routed through the BATFE, and a $200 transfer tax paid. The buyer will also need to go through a detailed process of a background check, including being fingerprinted, getting written approval from local law enforcement, and the transfer of ownership normally passes through a dealer with a special license for those types of firearms. Since each firearm is reviewed and approved by a Federal Law Enforcement agency, the odds of buying a stolen Class III are about as low as being hit by a meteor. On the other hand, if you are not going through the process to register the transfer with BATFE, you have other problems. Possession of an unregistered Class III firearm is good for 10 years in a Federal prison. Fines are ALSO assessed in the thousands of $$$.

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Q: How do you know if class 3 weapon is stolen or not when you purchase?
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