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within the first two weeks after unprotected sex you will get one or more of the following symptoms: -fatigue (going to bed real early) -heartburn -bleeding gums (rare) -sore breasts... and i mean sore!! nausea (usually starts around 4-6 weeks but sometimes 2) -frequent urination (due to enlarged uterus)

hope that helped hon!~

Answerwell the only way to know you're not pregnant is by having a regular period.
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Q: How do you know if i am not pregnant with out taking a test?
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How can you know if you pregnant without taking a test?

You cannot.

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You would know if you're pregnant by taking a pregnancy test. A pregnancy test can be taken from two weeks after intercourse and doesn't require you to know when your period should have started.

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In theory what you just siad makes no sense at all because you dont need a test if you know your pregnant as the first part suggests.

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The only way to know is by taking a pregnancy test.

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By taking a pregnancy test.

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By taking a pregnancy test. And you should also speak to your mom. Sex is illegal at your age.

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The only way you would know if you are pregnant is by taking a pregnancy test or getting your blood drawn and checked for a beta hcg level.

How can you know if you are pregnant without taking a test?

You cant know without taking a test to check for HCG. If you have an ultrasound scan the baby can be seen, later the fetal heart can be heard by Doppler, and later still the baby can be seen moving.

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Take a pregnancy test, which will certainly be positive if you're three weeks pregnant.

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Ok you need to take a test. Do you have cramps like your cycle is going to come and you know its not and having moodswings

How do you know your pregnant when you have endometriosis?

The best way to determine pregnancy is always by taking a pregnancy test and seeing your health care provider.