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You say to them "Excuse me, are you a Milf?" - whereupon they'll either look at you completely blankly or else they'll punch you in the mouth or call the police or they'll think you're either insane or very, very stupid, especially if they're a man.

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Q: How do you know if someone is a MILF?
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Why do the teenage boys keep calling me a MILF?

MILF is an acronym used by young boys to let someone know they are sexually attracted to a mom. They find the older women sexy. It could be anyones mom, grandmother, aunt. They just think the women are very alluring.

What exactly does a milf hunter do?

A milf hunter is someone who actively seeks out relationships with milfs. A hunter would go to places, events, and bars were they are most likely to find milfs.

Who is nikko?

Nikkos mother is highley philosophical and intelluctual idea based on one thing: the MILF. MILF is an acronym for Mother I'd LIke To.. well you know. Pretty self explainitory. Only an idiot would not know what this means.

Who is nikko's mother?

Nikkos mother is highley philosophical and intelluctual idea based on one thing: the MILF. MILF is an acronym for Mother I'd LIke To.. well you know. Pretty self explainitory. Only an idiot would not know what this means.

What does MILF mean from SNL?

It is 'MILF' and it means a Mom I'd Like to F$&k.

What is the diffrernce in genders man women and milf?

A milf is not a type of Gender. The Acronym MILF stands for Mother I'd Like to F**k.

What does milf mean in personnals?

MILF stands for: Mother I'd Like To Eff.

What the letter M in MILF mean?

mother/mom as in an older person and I'm guessing you know the rest of it :)

What is MILf when it comes to sex?

MILF stand for a "Mother I'd Like to F***" A desirable woman who is not young.

How does cilis protect your body?

it uses strawberry flavoured lube and then growes a milf and then you make milf and cookies

Is there a mluf?

no but there's a "milf".