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when a fish likes you, it will usually swim up to the edge of your fish tank and blow bubbles at you.... but some fish don't go up to you because they like you, but they are not interested in what you are doing.

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they will flare, the male will chase the female, then they will spawn

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Q: How do you know if two Bettas like each other?
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How do you know when two bettas like each other?

im pretty sure they dont like each other. you need a girl and a boy and the male would probably kill her in an instant

What spring do bettas mate?

It's not about time of year but how good their water is and if both fish like each other.

Can betta fish live in a big tank with other fish?

I've always been told that bettas should live seperately which seem rediculous because they don't live like that in nature. Yes, bettas can live with other fish. Male bettas can get along with plecos, some tetras, mollies, guppies (not the fancy sort), etc. They should not be put with fish that have long fins, nor should they be kept with fish nippers (like barbs). Males can not live with other bettas though. Female bettas can live with other female bettas (as long as there are more than two females since they have a pecking order). Female bettas can live with the type of fish I described for the male, as well. Just be careful with tank mates, and have a back up plan if the fish do not get along. Make sure each fish has plenty of space and love, and you should be fine. -Raz

How do you get bettas to know each other?

you don't know because they need to be separate at all the time unless you are trying to breed them witch takes allot of experience around betas like me i have delt with betas almost my whole life and still have trouble breeding and making them get used to each other i also train betas and i am only 11 years old

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they will pay attention to each other

When you and a boy like each other but you dont know anything about each other?

Get to know things about each other. Talk to him communication is the key?and don't be SHY!;)

What tricks can bettas do?

Bettas can do many tricks from easier things like following your finger around the tank to harder things like jumping or swimming through a hoop you can find many other tricks on youtube.

What should you do if a girl likes you and you like her back and you both know it?

If you both like each other and both of you know y'all like each other. The best you can do is go and ask her out and see what happens from there.

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If you both know each other and like each other then yes you can.

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I don't know if this is what you're asking but if you're question is do like poles repel each other than the answer is yes. Like poles repel each other

What is dating like and what's the point?

dating is when a ... girl & a guy go out to get to know each other, (the idea is the they like each other before they go out) the point about dating is you get to know the person you like better.

What if you like a boy and they like you back how would you know?

Your behavior with each other