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if his friend come up to him saying yes he really does want to go out with you then yes it is true and when he is laughing asking you it is a dare.

i know -Ashley-

Also you can tell by his voice and the way he looks at you.

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12y ago

Because you're ugly and he is hot_________________________________________________________________________________________Well for one if his friends were watching that could be an indicator. You could also ask around ,or even ask him,because honesty is one of the building blocks of a relation ship. Also if he was dared and countiues to go out don't be worried that probably means he is into u ,Or he and his friends are stupid and keep asking the same dare. Please note this isn't the same answer.

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14y ago

You got to ask him "are you serious?"

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Q: How do you know if when a guy asks you out if he is serious about asking you out or if its a joke?
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