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You would be playing about everyday without really doing anything else. For example: If you play the Xbox about 1-3 days a week, you're not too addicted to Video Games. Or you are, but you don't play it almost everyday. If you were to play it for 5-7 days a week non-stop, then most likely you are addicted. Just remember don't play all day long, make sure you at least get some fresh air once in awhile.

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13y ago
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14y ago

Here are some things that World of Warcraft players typically do... (really this list should be in the hundreds of thousands, but I'll summarize with ten.)

10. You "claim allegiance" to the horde (and/or alliance), your guild, and your arena team.

9. You pay someone $30 so they can get 2 months of WoW (and more importantly, so you can get that awesome zhevera mount!)

8. When you lose a duel to someone, you repeatedly curse them and put them on your ignore list.

7. You spend hours browsing the auction house for pets and various potions.

6. You have a rivalry with your fellow co-workers, who are addicted to runescape.

5. You bribe people with real money to get gold.

4. You know all of the slang terminology in WoW by heart, and you bring it up in conversation when talking to your girlfriend or wife. (Example: You had a lot of aggro last night" or "Don't drink all that, those mana poti... I mean... water bottles at once.")

3. You dye your skin green every Independence Day (or as you call it, "Midsummer festival") to look like an orc.

2. Instead of watching the Super Bowl, you and your buddies crowd around the computer and pretend to drink alcohol during Brewfest.

1. You have pledged a commitment to Blizzard Entertainment to obey them forever, or be punishable by death.

0. You are sexually attracted to Female Blood Elves without their gear on while they dance on top of mailboxes.

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12y ago

1. Modern Warfare 3-If you are under the covers at night, with your eyes barely open, screaming,"Die you NOOBS!"

2. minecraft-a)If you get scared when someone says,"SSSSSSSSSSSsssss..."/b)If you are bragging about making a dirt house.

3. Legend of Zelda-If you hide in the bathroom and pretend you're pulling out a sword.

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14y ago

you have more than 5 mounts over 2 level capped characters or you play for more than 5 hours a day

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Are you addicted to World of Warcraft?

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Sheer willpower. Difficult, I know - I'm addicted to Wikianswers!

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It is if your not addicted. If you get addicted to even one thing I sugest dont play it or your life is ruend. but I say yes its worth it.

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No, not everybody is addicted to the game. Most don't even play it. Alot of people don't even have spouses.

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Yes, try it and I'm sure you will like it. You might even become addicted to it.

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As far as I know there is no such thing as moon dust in World of Warcraft.

Can you get addicted to war of Warcraft?

Indeed so my young one!

In World of Warcraft im addicted and need to know if a play will own a blood spec. death knight a ret play?

In general, this is a pretty even matchup. The death knight has a slight advantage though.

Who is Arthas in World of Warcraft?

He is what you know now as the Lich King. But he was better known as Arthas in Warcraft I, Warcraft II, Warcraft III, as a holy warrior (paladin )that has fought scourge.

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You should get Wow because its a great game. Ive been playing it for many years, but don't get to addicted. I'm warning you.

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Losers who enjoy seeing the destruction of Warcraft 3.

What is Stormwind in World of Warcraft?

STORMWIND is the main alliance city as far as i know. I do not play world of warcraft but i have played the trial 3 times :D