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What and where is it

The appendix is located on the right side, of the very lower abdomen, right above the groin (above where the elastic of your underwear sits above your thigh). The appendix is a 1 or 2-inch tube that extends from the large intestine.


No one knows for sure what function the appendix has; some experts believe it is was needed by our prehistoric ancestors, but obviously today it serves no useful function and can be removed without consequences (except the usual pain and risks of surgery).

Surgery for Appendicitis -- Appendicitis IS a surgical emergency in most cases

Typically, surgery is performed in 3 cases:

  1. If the appendix has become inflamed, leading to appendicitis, with pain.
  2. If the appendix has ruptured (burst); this is a surgical emergency because bowel is released into the abdominal cavity and can cause widespread infection called peritonitis.
  3. Or, if a person is already undergoing abdominal surgery, surgeons will often take the few minutes to remove the appendix, to avoid future problems and need for another surgery then.

*Classic* Symptoms of Appendicitis

  • Dull pain which is near the navel or in the upper abdomen
  • The pain becomes sharp ("takes your breath away"), and then, 'moves' to the lower right abdomen. The dull pain and sharp moving pain to the right lower abdomen is usually the first sign.
  • Loss of appetite -- You simply will be too sick to eat.
  • Nausea and/or vomiting soon after abdominal pain begins - NOT the flu. Nausea and vomiting will be persistent.
  • Abdominal swelling - this is not just "puffiness" but true swelling
  • Fever of 99-102 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Inability to pass gas
  • NOTE: pain is often so severe, the person goes into the fetal position and when doctors examine and press on the area, the pain is unmistakable! There are also other classic examination signs present.

About half the time, other symptoms of appendicitis appear, such as:

  • Dull or sharp pain anywhere in the upper or lower abdomen, back, or inside the rectum
  • Painful urination - inflammation irritates surrounding organs
  • Vomiting that happens before the abdominal pain begins
  • Severe belly and intestinal cramps
  • Constipation or diarrhea with gas - However, not all gas indicates an appendicitis!

How do you know?

Generally, people are aware of how their body feels, especially with gassy pain (which is generally either widespread throughout the body, or over the far right or left sides). Gassy pain 'moves' downward, but is often accompanied by bowel sounds (gurgles, etc.). With regular gassy pains, the pain does not start near the naval, nor does gassy pain 'move' directly to the lower right and stay there. Gassy pain may be both dull and temporarily sharp-- but appendix pain continues as sharp, unrelenting, unbearable pain. If gas with constipation persists, see a doctor... However, most people have bouts of gas with constipation that is benign, meaning, it is simply gas with constipation.


US Statistics show one in 15 people typically between the ages of 10 and 30 develop appendicitis. But it can occur at ANY age, even in children.


Stool (waste, BM, 'poop'), foreign body, cancer blocks the tube, or an infection can lead to appendicitis because with each cause, the appendix becomes blocked.

Recommendations if you have symptoms of appendictis include DO NOT:

  • eat
  • drink
  • take pain remedies
  • take antacids
  • take laxatives
  • use heating pads.

These can cause an inflamed appendix to rupture. See your doctor if you have occasional or chronic bouts of constipation and gas, or other digestive problems or pain. Obviously, when pain is severe or you have symptoms listed above, go directly to an Emergency Room.

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How do you know if you have appendix?

Everyone has an appendix until you get it removed.

Do men have an appendix?

Yes, both men and women have an appendix and can be prone to having an appendicitis.

Can you travel after having your appendix removed?

can i travel overseas after being in the hospital with a perforated appendix. they will take my appendix out in 13 weeks

How do you know if you have an appendix?

YOu were born with one & if it hasnt been removed you have an appendix.

Why is Zac Effron in the hospital?

He was having appendix troubles.

Does not having your appendix make you die at a younger age?

I do not think there has been any scientific study done on the effects of a life span after losing an appendix. Though they have done studies showing that your appendix is no longer needed, so getting it removed has no bad side effects. The only way you not having your appendix affecting your life would be if it bursts and u don't get it taken care of. A ruptured appendix can kill you if not taken care of usually rather immediate. So as of right now not having an appendix will neither kill you quicker or prolong your life. you die when it is your time and by w/e means it happens. Not having an appendix or having one wouldn't really matter if u get hit by a car tomorrow. So rest assured that you will live as long as u will live with or without your appendix.

How do you prevent problems with your appendix?

There is no specific cause for problems with the appendix. Most people have no appendix trouble at all, while others have sudden onset of symptoms related to swelling or infection (appendicitis) without any discernible cause. However, solid fecal matter associated with insufficient dietary fiber occurs in many cases of appendicitis. Prolonged periods of constipation are often a precursor to problems with the appendix as well as the colon.

Can having no spleen or appendix over work the liver?

No it won't

How long should you stay home after having your appendix out?

About a week

Why it is important to removed appendix through surgery if a person suffer from inflamed appendix?

A person may have to have their appendix removed if it becomes infected. If the appendix ruptures, the infection can spread throughout the body and cause major problems.

Could it just be a sore muscle instead of my appendix?

See a doctor, appendix problems start in the middle of your tummy and move to the right hand side. It can be fatal if it bursts. Muscle pain will subside, appendix pain will not.