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If you want a taster ask them to run the tattoo gun over you without the ink, that way if you dont like it your not left with a half finished tattoo.

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Q: How do you know if you can handle the pain of a tattoo before you go in to the shop?
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How much does a belly tattoo hurt?

I would honestly say it just depends on how well you can handle pain, and where you get the tattoo on your body. Everybody is different so this is a hard question to answer.

Is smoking weed before getting a tattoo a good idea?

Smoking marijuana before getting a tattoo should have no effect to the tattoo process. Other pain killers like Advil before a tattoo on the other hand will thin your blood and cause bleeding during the process.

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All tattoo machines will hurt, you will not be able to have a tattoo without feeling some kind of pain but it is bearable pain

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You can have a tattoo anytime, usually from your teens, as long as you can stand the pain!

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Rosemary was the Receiver-in-Training before Jonas in the novel "The Giver." She asked for release because she couldn't handle the intense memories and emotions she was receiving, which caused her immense pain and suffering. The Chief Elder granted her request, allowing her to be euthanized.

Which hurts more a bikini wax or a tattoo I know it's a silly question but I've experienced the former and not the latter andI would like to get the tattoo on my back to the left of my spine?

It's a completely different type of pain, so you can't really compare the two. And everyone is different with their pain tolerance too! Tattoo pain- for me- is, at it's worst, like burning, at it's best like uncomfortable hot scratching.

Does tattoo removal cause pain?

Tatoo removal can cause pain. The impact of the laser can really cause pain. Here are some places to read about this pain: 1. 2. There are doctors who will tell you that it does not hurt but you really should read these articles to find out for yourself.

Is it okay to take Xanax before getting a tattoo?

Almost every tattoo shop has a policy to refuse to tattoo anyone under the influence. It's never okay to take any substance prior to getting tattooed. In most cases, it intensifies the pain and reaction. The natural body is well-built to handle the amount of discomfort you'll feel from your tattoos application. Put some music on, find an interesting subject to chat about with your artist and you'll be finished in no time at all.

Can you tighten your muscles while getting a tattoo?

Yes you can, if you want to endure more pain than is necessary...You are much better off just relaxing and let it happen... Remember Life is Pain, a tattoo is only a tattoo.. Hope this helps......

Is it possible to get a tattoo done that's only temporary?

Yes. All the pain of a real tattoo with temporary ink.

does beauty really come from pain?

depends on how you handle the pain