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Because most women and many men have chlamydia without having symptoms, it is important that you get tested regularly to make sure you aren't infected. Women 26 and under should be tested every year. Men who have sex with men should have a rectal swab once a year if they have receptive anal sex. All should get tested if they have a new partner.

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Q: How do you know if you have chlamydia if you don't have any symptoms?
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Do chlamydia symptoms include any type of pain?

Occasionally chlamydia can also affect other parts of the body, including the throat and eyes. Chlamydia often has no symptoms, especially among women.

Can chlamydia cause discharge?

Yes, chlamydia can cause discharge, irregular vaginal bleeding, and lower abdominal or pelvic pain. If you're having these symptoms, you may be experiencing pelvic inflammatory disease, a possible complication of chlamydia. Contact your health care provider today for urgent evaluation.

Why is it important to know about chlamydia?

Doctors aren't screening often enough for chlamydia. They may be embarrassed to ask about their patient's sexual practices or feel that testing for an STD is a sign of disrespect. And women can have chlamydia without knowing it. So it's important to ask your health care provider specifically for the test.

Can males only have chlamydia of the eye and not any other symptoms?

Chlamydia in the eye (chlamydial conjunctivitis) in adults is usually caused by transferring the germ from the genitals to the via the fingers. You could have transferred it to your eye by touching someone else's genitals and rubbing your eye without washing, in which case you might not have other symptoms. You also could be infected genitally and transferred the bacteria from your genitals to your eye. Many men with chlamydia have no symptoms, anyhow; if you think you might be at risk for chlamydia, you should get tested, regardless of symptoms.

How long can you have chlamydia without having symptoms?

Studies show that adults can have chlamydia for years without any symptoms. It is possible to have a long-term infection without getting pain or discharge. In women, the rate of chlamydia without symptoms may be as high as 70%. It is believed that at least 50% of men with chlamydia may have no symptoms.A baby who gets chlamydia from the mother during birth can also have chlamydia for years without symptoms.But the infection is not "dormant", it can cause damage even without causing symptoms. Women who are later diagnosed with tubal infertility or ectopic pregnancy are three times more likely to have antibodies showing prior exposure to chlamydia, which suggests that they may have had damage to the tubes without having symptoms of pain.It is possible, but usually the symptoms will show up within several weeks.Virtually, this is highly unlikely.

How do you know if you have chlamydia in your throat?

The best way to know if you've been infected with chlamydia in the throat is get tested for the STD, specifically with an oral swab test. Symptoms might include a sore throat, fever and in less frequent cases, swollen lymph nodes. But it's also possible to not have any of those symptoms and still have chlamydia. There are safe at-home testing kits available online at sites like myLAB Box, or at local health clinics, Planned Parenthood and other testing sites.

Can you have chlamydia without knowing?

Yes, 50% may not show any signs. Many men and most women have no symptoms when they have chlamydia. Always get tested if you suspect you may have caught an STD, and don't pass it on through multiple partners.

Does chlamydia lay dormant after antibiotics?

Chlamydia does not remain "dormant." A person can have chlamydia for years without having symptoms, but the infection is active during that time, and can be transmitted and can cause damage, even if the patient doesn't notice any pain, discharge, or unusual symptoms.

Can chlamydia symptoms go away in males without any treatment?

Yes it is considered the "sleeper" disease.... It is likely still in you

Can chlamydia and and kidney and urinary tract infection have similar symptoms?

Yes. Both chlamydia and urinary tract infection can cause pelvic pain and painful urination. If you have any symptoms of urinary tract, kidney or similar infections of the reproductive organs, you should consult a physician.

Can you cure chlamydia during the incubation period?

Yes, when you are getting treated you can still transmit chlamydia. Patients being treated should avoid oral, anal, and vaginal intercourse (even with a condom) until seven days after single-dose treatment, or until seven-day treatment is complete.

How long can a male have chlamydia without having symptoms?

You shouldn't go at all. You need to make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible before it spread or gets worse.