

How do you know if your betta fish is going to have eggs?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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the male will start to build a bubblenest, and her abdomen will get larger than normal, pay close attention!

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Q: How do you know if your betta fish is going to have eggs?
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How do you get to know your new betta fish?

Hi. You can get to know your betta by examining what they do and how they react to things.

Can a betta fish live with another betta of the opposite gender?

yes but once the female runs out of eggs to make babies the male will kill herNo, unless you want: 1. To kill the two betta's or 2. You want eggs. As you probably know, betta's are also called Siamese fighting fish. so if you leave 2 betta's alone in one tank, they will mostly kill each other in the next hour. Good Luck!Source(s): I own a betta, and it has been living with me for 3 years

How do you spell betta fish?

Exactly as you spelled it in your question; a Betta fish is also known as a Siamese Fighting is spelled "Betta", or its other name, "Siamese Fighting Fish." I know alot about Betta's. :D

Do betta fish know how to do tricks?

Y-E-S they can! Go to youtube and type betta fish doing tricks.

How do you know if your betta fish mated?

from my own personal studies in aquarism i concluded that the male will wrap-around the female depositing the eggs into the male who will place them into a bubble web at the top of the tank. p.s. what sex is your betta?

If your betta fish has babies will the male betta fish eat them?

yes after mating a female will be tired and hungry and if the male does not run her away she may eat the eggs for energy.

How do you know if betta fish is sick?

if they aren't active

How do i know my betta is a female?

Your betta fish is a female if she has smaller fins than an average male.

When is Mating season for Betta Fish?

The female will do something with her fins and let the male know but when they do mat you have to be right there when it does because the male will kill the female but not the eggs. when the eggs hatch you have to take the male out or he will kill the baby's.

How do you know if my betta is pregnant?

Betta fish are egg layers, so they don't get pregnant.Put a male and a female together in a large tank with a place for the female to hide and for them to swim and they should have babies called fry.

How do you know if your Betta fish is rare?

Because yo mama ain't.

How can you know males betta from female?

In many fish species, including bettas, males typically have longer fins, brighter colors, and a slimmer body compared to females.