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Is he holding back from you? Answer

Can be difficult to tell sometimes. We men usually get over exes pretty quickly, as we are focusing our attention on our current relationships.

Obviously no two people react / respond the same to people, so you can't always count on specific signs (as some people / magazines would have you believe)

I would suggest having an open and honest talk with him about the ex and his current feelings toward that person. I would STRONGLY suggest that you try to put defensiveness aside and not take what he may say as a negative against you.

The idea here is for him to feel free to express what he's thinking / feeling without fear of your reaction.

Trust me, he's going to be worried about what you'll say or do. He's probably not looking for a fight, he just wants to answer your question.

If, however, he gets defensive immediately, there may be an underlying issue that needs addressed, either by him or by the two of you.

Hope this helps!

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12y ago

Sometimes our guy says that he is way over his ex but for some reason we cannot assure ourselves that he is totally over her.

How would we know if a guy has got over his ex?

A guy is definitly over his ex if he acts confidently about her. His eyes doesn't sparkle like as if he is still excited or in love about that girl. He probably may act like he cares, well obviously they've went out but if he is over her we should accept the fact that there is still the possibility that they will be friends and just that. It is never the same like that when they're going out. A guy will not look for some ways to communicate to that girl and he will just be cool to handle things with his new relationship by making them worth it and not compare them to his ex. If he does, well probably he's just looking for a way to cover up his feelings for his ex.

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15y ago

If he is over his ex he will never bring her up or talk about her in any situation. But if he starts to find excuses to bring her up or randomly starts talking about her,....... he is Sooooo not over her!!!

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14y ago

You won't know it sucks but you just have to trust him. I've learnt that if he is really not over his Ex he wouldn't be with you. If he says he is over her then just take his word for it.

I wanted to share some signs I found in my ex that he was not over his ex. I don't know if this applies to your situation. But if his ex and the relationship he had with her are taboo topics, if he refuses to talk about it and gets angry/annoyed when you ask questions, he's prob not over her. But I'm a little unsure about what you mean when you say "gotten over her". The thing is, being over an ex (for girls and guys) doesn't mean that the scars from that relationship have healed, and it doesn't mean that the failed relationship is not still haunting the person. Being over an ex in my books is not having feelings for that person anymore. But it doesn't mean that my relationships aren't still affected by the past.

The best thing I always find is to talk to boyfriend. Ask him how his last relationship was, and ask him how he feels about it and whether he feels that the he is over her. Create a safe space for him to talk in, try not to judge before you absolutely need to. That means, don't start the conversation by accusing him, but be subtle yet clear. Show him that you care about him and are willing to listen to what he says, and to give him a chance, and the benefit of the doubt. Say that you want this relationship to work, but that implies honesty, and communication. That the discussion that you want to have is to develop the relationship, make it stronger etc. something along the lines of "Hey, I've been worrying about something, and I want to know how you feel about it" or "I need this thing cleared up, it's bothering me, please don't shrug this off, it's important etc."

The last thing I'd like to say is the following: trust your instincts. If you feel that he 's not being frank, or that you and him are not able to communicate or that you're not on the same page; these are important doubts, deal with them, don't ignore them. My ex, mentioned above, used to tell me that nothing was wrong, and said that it was all in my head, or that he was bad at communicating his feelings. Despite my instincts, I wanted to believe him, it is very tempting to just pretend everything is alright. But eventually, if something is wrong, then it will come back to bite you both in the ass. so better to face it now on your own terms.

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16y ago

Normally he is not over his ex right away so if his fellings are completely lost for his ex than the relationship is over. (I hope I helped!)

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9y ago

if he/she talks about his/ex only. if they don't love your talks. if they don't bother you then your partner is over your ex.

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15y ago

by the way he acts is if he throws out her pictures and anything else for that matter and he completely avoids contacting her and he just spends more time with you.

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