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If you're referring to a wound the best way to tell is swelling, pus and the wound not healing quickly. If you think your cat has an infection of any sort (even if you're not completely sure) take to a Vet.

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Give it a CAT scan? Get it? But, really, if you are worried about your cat having a tumor, go to a vet.

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Q: How do you know if your cat has a infection?
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Bring the cat to your vet.

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He or she has a bladder infection. I know this from experience. You need to consult a good veterinarian to set up an appointment to examine your cat. Observe carefully next time your cat urinates there will probably be blood in the urine

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you could, but it might be bad for the cat because the cat could get a skin infection.

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You should take it to the vet, your cat probably has a urinary track infection.

What is a cat in?

Eye goop or an eye infection. It can require medicated cat eye drops from a veterinarian.

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There are a variety of reasons your cat's paws are swollen and red. Some of these include an insect bite, or infection.

Can a kidney infection kill a cat?

Yes , renal failure from a urinary infection can be fatal if not treated by a veterinarian .

What is a cat abscess?

A cat abscess is the name for an infection that festers under the skin and breaks open. Most abscess's are from cat fights.

Is it dangerous for a cat to have a bladder infection for a long time?

Yes, any infection that goes on for a long time is dangerous. But a cat with bladder inflammation might not have an infection. Male cats in particular are prone to other urinary tract problems as well as infections. Of course, if your cat is in pain or having blood in urine or has stopped using the litterbox, you should take the cat to the vet.

What is Conjunctivitus in a cat?

Eye goop or an eye infection. It can require medicated cat eye drops from a veterinarian.