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You can see fleas. Just check his skin by brushing his fur back & forth. They are always down deep.

You can use a flea comb to check for fleas, also dark specks on their bedding is usually from fleas

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13y ago

ferrets get fleas like any other animal.

they can catch it from the park, or from any dogs/cats/other ferrets.

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Q: How do you know if your ferret has fleas?
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How do you treat ferret bedding for fleas?

First you need to treat the ferret for fleas, then you wash the bedding.

Can a ferret get fles?

Yes ferrets can get fleas

Why is your ferret scratching and biting like little bugs and hasn't been acting herself lately?

99.9% chance of fleas (usually cat fleas- in my experience). Even if you never take your ferret outside AND you don't have other pets, fleas can hitch a ride on your socks when you come in from out doors and eventually find your ferret.

What could be biting your ferret that is clawing and biting itself and now is really lazy and sleepy?

Look for fleas, even one flea on a ferret can cause anemia

How do you get rid of fleas on a ferret?

Ferrets do tend to scratch and itch a lot. Bathing and/or using a product not made for ferrets will dry out their skin, making them itch, also check for fleas. Bathing a ferret is not necessary unless they get into something and needs a bath. Ferrets can also have allergies that will make them itchy. If you are feeding dry ferret food, give them a tiny bit of olive oil every few days for their coat, it has a lot of good nutrients. Most ferrets like olive oil, you can use it as a treat for them. Also your ferret's ears may need cleaning which also causes them to scratch themselves

Do mice and rats know if there is a ferret around it?

Rats and mice would know that a ferret is around by their scent.

Why is a ferret at risk?

A ferret would be at risk if you don't know the proper care

What does it mean when a fixed ferret drags another fixed ferret around by the neck?

The ferret that is doing the dragging is simply asserting his dominance. He is letting the other ferret know who is boss.

Do hamsters have fleas or ticks?

All rodents are a host for the fleas. In the medieval times rodents carried fleas infectin people with the black plague. However hamsters are most likely to not to catch fleas because their are mostly kept in houses in cages.

How long can a ferret live with lymphoma?

I don't know.. But you should really get your ferret checked out by a Vet As soon as Possible.

Can ferrets pass disease to guinea pigs?

no because they are not in the same family i dont know why but that is the answere but a ferret can pass in to another ferret

Does your ferret know you and can he see you?

Yes, ferrets recognize your by your scent.