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Boys have more colors than girls....THE PRETTIER ONE

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11y ago

Typically a male betta fish as longer flowing fins than the female

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Q: How do you know if your betta fish is a boy or girl?
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Do you need to have a boy and a girl Betta fish to have eggs?


Can boy betta fish be with a boy betta fish?


How do you tell fish bata apart as a boy or girl?

A girl Betta is dull and not as pretty as the male. But, a boy Betta is colorful and pretty to attract the female mate.

How do you tell a girl betta fish from a boy betta fish?

It's all in the tail. the males is larger and longer and the females is shorter.

Can a girl betta share a aquarium with boy betta?

No, they are fighting fish. They will kill each other no matter what sex they are.

Do girl Betta fish need boy Betta fish to live?

No, they can live alone or with other female bettas. They might bite each other but won't kill.

How do you know that your fish are girl or boy?

you can tell by the dots or spots on the boy fish and on the girl is just a gold fish colres

How can you tell if Marine Betta is girl or boy?

you can tell if its a boy or girl by the fins the male Betta has long fins and the female Betta has small fins

How do i know if my fish is a boy or a girl?

Depends on the kind of fish

Can boy betta fish get pregnant?

of course not!!!

How do you know your betta is a boy or a girl?

Males are usually bigger and more colorful than females.

Can a boy betta fish share a 3 gallon tank with a girl betta fish?

This is a BIG NO NO!! Bettas need at least 2.5 gallons of water to themselves, and if you put a male and a female together, it will most likely result with you have two dead bettas. Keep your boy and girl in separate 2.5 gallon heated tanks.