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I Know How Becose My Guinea Pig Is 6 Months So When Your Guinea Pig Is Around 12 Or 13 Months Her/He Are Getting Sick Now How To Cure It Leave It In His Cage For 1/2 Days Over Whith A Blanket In A Dark Place Lots Of Water And Food He/She Will Be Felling Better And You Have To Love Your Guinea Pig.

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Q: How do you know if your guinea pig is getting better from being sick?
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Probobly. But please don't try it, you're reading the answer from a well educated cavy owner. if you do not know, a cavy is the scientific term for guinea pigs. Getting a guinea pig high off of drugs can kill them.

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just talk to her. get to know her better :)

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yes guinea pigs can actually hear quite well. they get startled by loud noises and some may know when your about to feed them if they hear and reconize the bag being opened. when you are holding your guinea pig you want to talk nice and soothing to your pig.