

Best Answer

First ask yourself...Am I initiating hugs and kisses? If you are, what is his reaction? Many times spouses love each other very much, they have just got too comfortable or forgot how to show affection. Maybe they have been rejected in the know how us women can be with our emotions, it is like a never ending roller coaster ride! Communication is the hardest, yet best solution. Just remember, never apologize for the truth...truth meaning your feelings. It is always best to put everything out on the table rather than beat around the corner so long as you respect each other.

Another suggestion:

You can bring up your dissatisfaction with the intimate/affectionate state of your relationship. It is easy to think that a partner knows what you want. But they do not always know that they are depriving you of something that is essential to your happiness. It is also easy to get into the mindset that they SHOULD know automatically. But the reality is that people grow up with different ways of life. Your husband's mother and father may not have shown much affection towards each other in front of him, or ever. His mother may have been a frigid and prudish woman. There may not have been a lot of affection in his family period. In this case, he may feel that the level of affection in your marriage is perfectly acceptable. The best way to find out if he loves you is to bring it to his attention that you need more affection, in words and in actions, to be happy. It is important that you give him specific ways to satisfy your unmet needs. Instead of saying, "I need more affection," say, "To be happy, I need you to tell me you love me at least once every day, and I need you to kiss and hug me at least every other day." (Of course, the amount of affection you tell him you need must be tailored to your own needs) If you express very clearly to him your needs, you can judge whether or not he loves you by how much effort he puts into meeting your needs. A good husband, when given easily done, specific guidelines to making their wife happier, will at least exert SOME effort to achieving the goal. A really great book to work through that would help in a situation such as this is "Getting the Love You Want", by Dr. Harville Hendrix.

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10y ago
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11y ago

He puts things aside to liten and care gentle touch and praying on his side for your betterment. Displays affection sometimes since a myriad of conditions such as autism aspergers and stoics character does not permit all the time sometimes a little hug or kiss othertimes turns away and punishes with lack of interest and conflicts drivin by ignorance or sighns of uncaring behavior ie other women etc.

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16y ago

She may be feeling insecure, neglected or a bit low.Try not to get angry or frustrated with her, it may make things worse. Perhaps you could take her out on a few dates, tell how how beautiful she looks and compliment her often. Remind her why she feel in love with you in the first place and I' sure you'll be kissing and cuddling again in no time!

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14y ago

The best way to find out if your husband loves you is to talk to him! You must be asking this question for a reason! So just talk to him about your relationship and how you both feel. If that doesn't work then just see how he acts with you, and you and with other women around. Just don't be afraid to say how you feel or ask him how he feels. Just go with what you think is right, that's all I can say And hey...this is coming from a 15 year-old.

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18y ago
  • There are lots of men out there that think "she knows I love her!" Some men are of few words and many never find the guts to say "I love you." When you really think of it, what is love? No one has been able to break that one down through these many centuries. We can guess about it, but, I just think it's about having respect for each other, being loyal, a hug, a peck on the cheek, holding hands, knowing inside that person is going to be there when you really need them and last, but surely not least ... they are truly your best friend! I suggest you sit down with your husband and tell him how you feel. I can bet he's going to say, "Of course I love you!" He probably does. Women are usually the ones that are romantic and of course we think different when it comes to love and what we think it should be. Men can tell you a hundred times a day they love you and be lying through their teeth. I'll take a man any day that is on the quiet side and if he holds my hand, gives me a squeeze or just glances up and smiles at me every once in awhile then I know he loves me. A man can be in the throws of love making and after it's over go out into the front room and watch a football game! Women like to loll around and savor the romantic adventure they just have experienced and that is how it really should be and is, when we first meet our mates, but it diminishes through the years to some degree. Men think after all that time their wife should know (instinctively) that he does love her. After a few years of marriage reality hits us in the face and it's working hard, shift-work, paying bills, and yes, even sometimes one or both mates can go through bouts of depression. It's part of life. I would also like to mention that someone who is diabetic or has had heart surgery or is on SSRIs (for depression) can lose their libido. Have that talk with him and get it out in the open. Perhaps suggest a holiday for just the two of you. It doesn't have to be an expensive holiday and you could go away somewhere nice for a long weekend or even just a weekend. Give it a shot!
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8y ago

He should be showing you the love he has for you. Take in consideration that everyone has a different way of showing their love. I personally tell my wife every day that I love her.

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16y ago

ummm...if he makes you a tuna sandwich

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