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well you just have to wait to see if you have your period or not my friend is about to start her period because she has stomach cramps all the time starting Thursday she had to use the restroom a lot and then Saturday i started my period so it is all about waiting.And yes you still get your period if your off or on the pill so be catiuse to it.

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Q: How do you know if your period is going to come on if you have stop taking your birth conrol midway n took a pregnancy test and it says your not pregnant?
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Is it possible your pregnant when your period is 2 weeks late then you get it but you have a lot of pregnancy symptoms?

If you are on/had your period your probably not pregnant, but do a pregnancy test to be sure.

Can taking a pregnancy test during your period tell you if your pregnant?

Your period shouldn't affect the test! There is really no point in doing a pregnancy test during a period. Usually, if you are having a period you are not pregnant. A pregnancy test senses the BHCG hormone so your period should not affect it.

Can you take a pregnancy test if you are on your period?

Yes but if you are having your period you are not pregnant.

Can you have no period and negative pregnancy results and still be pregnant?

The negative pregnancy test is the defining answer, regarding pregnancy - once your period is a week or so late - if you are pregnant, the hCG will be high enough to be detected.

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A period usually means no pregnancy, if you are unsure take a pregnancy test.

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Sometimes when your period doesn't come it's due to stress and most times it's because of pregnancy so to be sure take pregnancy test before using birth control.

Can you have symptoms of pregnancy and then get your period for about 3 hours and still be pregnant?

Yes you can be pregnant.

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you might be pregnant. get a pregnancy test.

How do you tell in pregnant after a period?

Take a pregnancy test

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Most people have a last period before they are pregnant. Some even have a period while they are pregnant.

Is pregnancy possible a day after period ends?

It is even possible to get pregnant on your period.

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