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Stepping in it produces a squishing noise--it's mud!

Plants grown--or trying to grow--in overly saturated soils will usually develop yellowing or whitening of the leaves, leaf-drop, necrosis (death) of at least some of the bark and woody material, and root-rot.

A common visual appearance is that of bare, greying branches poking above a struggling layer of leafy growth that never grows more

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Q: How do you know if your soil is over saturated?
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A name for saturated soil?

Another name for saturated soil could be soil liquefaction.

How do you know the standing water is not there because the sediment is saturated?

It is there because, of the type of soil. Soil such as silt would be hard for liquid to pass through it.

What is mean by saturated hydraulic conductivity?

Saturated hydraulic conductivity is a quantitative measure of a saturated soil's ability to transmit water when subjected to a hydraulic gradient. It can be thought of as the ease with which pores of a saturated soil permit water movement.

What is the difference between saturated and submerged soil?

when the voids of soil are just filled by water the soil mass is called saturated and when soil mass is submerged in water means the water level is above the the soil level or soil mass is drowned in water then soil mass is called submerged.

What does an earthquake do to saturated soil?

It can shake it about so that it liquefies.

What is a soil moisture surplus?

The soil in a region is saturated, and rainfall is greater than the need for the moisture.

What does Quicksand do to the environment?

Nothing it just exists! quicksand is just over saturated soil and/or clay, you might as well say what does mud/muck do to the environment.

What is Sudden movement of soil saturated with water?

mud slides

What are types of soil are found in estuaries?

rich and saturated with water

Why cant earthworms live in water or soil that is saturated?

they drown

What is the degree of saturation at plastic limit?

more than 100%(over saturated but saturation is 100%) .....because shrinkage limit is smallest water content at which soil is saturated......means at shrinkage limit itself it posses 100% saturation ........

What is saturated ground?

Saturated ground refers to soil or land that is filled with water to the point where excess moisture cannot be absorbed or drained away. It often results from heavy rainfall or flooding, leading to increased risk of landslides and reduced soil stability.