

How do you know stars are moving towards or away?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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you don't, we ar ethe ones moving not the stars.

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Q: How do you know stars are moving towards or away?
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Only if you know your location (the coordinate on the distance scale and the time scale) where "you" are can you infer if the object is moving towards you (the absolute distance to the object is decreasing) or away from you (the distance is increasing).

How do people know when a star is moving toward or away from the earth?

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Not nessicarily. Stars do move u know, cause the earth rotates.

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Yes. Every star has a "proper motion", which is their motion relative to the solar system. Some stars are moving toward us, while others are moving away. Nothing is standing still. Of course, the Earth is moving around the Sun, and the Sun is orbiting the center of the galaxy, and the Milky Way galaxy itself is moving - but we can't know where. Every other galaxy is moving too, and there isn't a way to identify where the Big Bang started.

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If you mean something like "crash into us", no, that isn't likely; it is far away for practical purposes, and as far as I know, it isn't moving exactly towards us.

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If the Universe was shrinking the galaxies would appear to be moving towards the Earth, and look more blue than they should. This is the opposite to the universe expanding where galaxies would appear to be moving away from the Earth, which we know due to "red shift". Andromeda would be the exception since it's directly moving towards the Milky Way.

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How do you know if a star is moving toward us or away?

This is determined by measuring the "red shift" or "blue shift" of the star, or in other words, whether its perceived color on earth is shifted towards the red end of the spectrum or towards the blue end. This color shift effect is similar to the Doppler effect in that it is caused by the compression or rarefaction of waves by a moving object. So a star moving away from us would look slightly more red than usual because the light waves that reach us are drawn out due to the motion of the star. And conversely, a star moving towards us would look slightly more blue than usual, for the same reason.

What do you do if your best friend moves away and you don't know what to do?

email her, talk to her on the phone and tell how you feel about her moving away

What cause changes in the light coming from distant stars and galaxies?

The apparent redshift is caused by the Doppler Effect; the frequency of waves is increased by an approaching source and decreased by a leaving source. Since the fgrequencies we see from stars are slightly lower than they should be, we know that the stars and other objects are moving away. The Doppler Effect causes changes of light emanating from distant stars and galaxies.