

How do you know that Theseus was brave?

Updated: 4/13/2020
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13y ago

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I think because he was helping the people so the people think that he is brave enough.

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Q: How do you know that Theseus was brave?
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They are both brave. they both showed courage, braveness, and honor. They were both heroes and myths.

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From what I know, Theseus wasnt a God so he had no symbols. But his sword might have been one, but I'm not sure.

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Theseus had to lift a boulder and beneath it were sandals and a sword when Theseus finally was strong enough to lift it he journied to Athens where he met his father the king

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Theseus is good in one story and bad in others its a bit confusing.The Minotaur is FEARSOME and SCARY but if your brave [which I am!] its not scary at all! king Minos is MEAN! Now last character is Ariadne she is pretty kind and sweet!

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Jason's brave warriors were known as the Argonauts. They accompanied him on his quest to retrieve the Golden Fleece and included famous heroes like Hercules, Theseus, and Castor and Pollux. The Argonauts faced many challenges and adventures during their journey.

How was he brave?

Theseus was brave because when Aegus told him not to go overland to deliver the sandals and sword because there were many robbers he still went overland and he was brave to do that because there were many dangerous people and monsters on the overland route. Also, he volunteered to be one of the people sent to be fed to the minotaur so he could try and kill it, thus risking his own life.

What did Theseus and Hippolyta do with the Indian boy?

Nothing. Theseus and Hippolyta didn't even know about him. It was Oberon and Titania who were arguing about the Indian boy who ended up being a page to Oberon.

In The Story of Theseus where did Theseus get his sword?

Theseus got the sword from the rock that he pulled it from.From Ariadne

Is Theseus and the Minotaur a myth or ledgand?

It is just a famous myth that most people know.