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If you must know how demons exist, i will tell you. i know they exist. there has to be a portal or something from where they are coming from. they are out there. Me, personally, had an encounter with one. how? it had me by the neck and almost had my f***ing soul. I'm dead serious. so, whoever reads this and doesn't believe me, you are just one step closer for your soul being taken. so go ahead, don't listen to my warning. it will only be your life. and if you think I'm crazy, then you're not a true believer. heed my warning. THEY DO EXIST!!!!!

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Q: How do you know that demons exists?
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You'll know when you see satins demons.

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You are able to see demons because when I was in the bathroom I saw a demon in the mirror when I was washing my hands I said I know your there and it ran up to my face

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Lesser Demons, Greater Demons and Quest Demons.

Was Nostradamus possessed by demons?

A:There is an ambiguity here. If we believe that in order to be able to prophesy the future, Nostradamus must have been possessed by demons. If demons really exist, then God exists and therefore could have given Nostradamus the power of prophecy. On the other hand, if we believe that Nostradamus was not really able to predict the future, then we need neither believe that demons exist nor that they do not - we are simply saying that he was a man who wrote obscure and ambiguous passages that some people interpret as prophecies.

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Belief in the existence of God does not necessarily require formal education. People may come to their belief through personal experiences, cultural upbringing, or spiritual encounters. Education can provide different perspectives and insights on the concept of God, but ultimately, belief in God is a personal choice.