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idk what the bleeping question is who bleeping cares

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Q: How do you know that genetic variations exists in a population of moths?
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Which is one example of a phenotypic change that is not genetic?

Humanns are larger than they were 100 years ago.

Peppered moths use the adaptation of camouflage as protection from predators They may have a variety of colors or shades but before the Industrial Revolution they were typically white with black?

The population of light-colored moths decreased and the population of dark-colored moths increased.

Which is the best hypothesis for why the white colored moth population decreased?

Answer this question… B.The dark-colored moths were more fit.

What does molecular evidence in natural selection include?

There is an abundant amount of evidence that suggests natural selection. One example that suggests evolution by natural selection is the Peppered moth. Peppered moths were originally white and black. During the Industrial revolution in Britain, the black grime made the darker moths more likely to survive and reproduce than the white moths. During the pre-Industrial period, the moths changed back to being white and white-black.

The sudden appearance of a light-colored moth in a large population of dark-colored moths was probably the result of?

A mutation

What caused a change in color of the majority of London gypsy moths?

They evolved in response to changing selection pressures (specifically predation by birds) as levels of pollution changed. The pollution reduced the effectiveness of the moths natural camouflage, resulting in the more visible moths being eaten by birds in large quantities, the less visible moths then were the only ones reproducing and their color became dominate in the population.

What are the Islamic moths of islam?

There are no Islamic moths. Maybe butterflies, but no moths.

What best summarizes the peppered moths in England after the Industrial Revolution?

The Industrial Revolution caused pepper moths to adapt to a darker color due to the soot and ash everywhere so that they could hide from predators better, which made the black to gray moth ratio pull towards black. After the Industrial Revolution was over however then the black peppered moths numbers started to decrease and the grayish peppered moths number began to increase. This is evidence of adaptation.The population of light-colored moths decreased and the population of dark-colored moths increased.

What is an arctiid?

An arctiid is a member of the Arctiidae, a family of moths which includes tiger moths, footmen, lichen moths, and wasp moths.

What is the collective noun for moths?

The collective nouns are a collection of moths, a whisper of moths.

Why are some moths called polyphemus?

Polyphemus Moths are a species of giant silkworm moths

What are the two types of peppered moths?

Black peppered moths and white peppered moths