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Q: How do you know that infrared radiation does not reach earth by convection?
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Some of them are. Also, to detect other radiation that doesn't reach Earth, or hardly reaches it - like infrared for example.Some of them are. Also, to detect other radiation that doesn't reach Earth, or hardly reaches it - like infrared for example.Some of them are. Also, to detect other radiation that doesn't reach Earth, or hardly reaches it - like infrared for example.Some of them are. Also, to detect other radiation that doesn't reach Earth, or hardly reaches it - like infrared for example.

Does infrared radiation reach earth?

Much of it is captured by the greenhouse gases, which hold the heat and prevent it escaping into space. As we add more and more greenhouse gases, they are able to hold more heat. This is how we are causing global warming.

Is infrared radiation able to reach us from sun?

Yes, even though some of it doesn't reach the surface of Earth because of the atmosphere. Infrared radiation from the Sun is the warmth you feel on your face when you stand outside on a clear, sunny day. It's what warms the air before you breathe, it's what melts the ice and snow in the Spring, and it's the source of the heat of the oceans.

What does solar energy reach earth by?

Solar energy reaches the earth by two means, Electricity and Gravity.

What kind of radiation passes through the atmosphere and reaches the earths surface?

highlight factors which show that heat from the sun does reach th earth surface by convection

Does heat reach us from the sun by convection?

Heat from the sun reaches Earth by radiation. Convection involves air movement, so heat from a forced air furnace would be an example of convection, as would heat in a convection oven which is basically a regular oven with a fan to distribute the heat more evenly.

Is it true the heat from the sun reaches earth through convection?

No that is not true, heat from the Sun does not reach the Earth by means of convection.

What two processes allow energy generated in the sun to reach the outer layers?

Convection and radiation.

How does the suns energy reach Earth?

Waves of heat and light, called radiation, travel to earth.

When did the infrared rays that reach the earth leave the sun?

About 8 minutes ago.

Is the suns energy radiant?

Yes. Here's a logical proof: There are three ways to transfer energy from place to place: --Conduction, --Convection, --Radiation. Conduction and convection need a 'medium' ... a substance to conduct or convect through. Radiation doesn't need anything to travel through. There is no medium ... no substance ... in the space between the sun and the earth, but heat and light from the sun reach the earth constantly. Since there is no medium for it to travel through, it can't be getting here by means of conduction or convection. The only possibility is radiation.

How much of the Sun's radiation doesn't even reach Earth's surface?

gamma radiation