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Radiation .

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Q: What type of heat transfer allows the Sun's heat to reach the Earth?
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Does most of suns energy reach earth in light energy?

it does reach the earth in light energy.

How long it takes the suns light to reach earth?

It takes approximately 8 minutes for the Sun's light to reach Earth.

When will the suns solar flares reach the earth?

about 8 to 12 minutes

How does solar energy reach earth?

through the mantlethrough the suns rays

Before the suns ray can reach earth surface they have topass through the?

the atmosphere

What happens to the energy from the suns rise that reach earth?

it goes into the inner core.

How does the suns energy reach Earth?

Waves of heat and light, called radiation, travel to earth.

How does the effect of the suns gravity on Pluto compare to the effect of the suns gravity on earth?

well pluto is so far away that the sun rays can't reach out that far for it to be warmer and for earth,the earth is much closer and could get most of the suns hot rays

It takes 8 for energy released from suns outer layers to reach earth?

8 minutes.

How long does it take for the suns solar energy to reach earth?

About 8-1/3 minutes.

How come the moon reflects the suns light and things on earth dont reflect the suns light?

The moon reflects the suns light and things on the eart do notreflect it because it is at an angle in which the light does not reach earth. So if the light falls on the earth at night there would be light but because it not reflect it on earth it is dark at night.

Suns light takes how many minutes and seconds to reach earth?

8 minutes and 31 seconds