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In the northern hemesphere u can find north by using the star Polaris in the constelation Ursa Minor. (Polaris is in fact a multi star system, not just one star)

It is easily found by finding one of the most distinctive constelations Ursa Major or the Big Dipper. Take the two stars that make up the scoop part of the ladel (opposite the handle) and extend it up and you find to Polaris.

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In the Northern Hemisphere, the Constellation Ursa Minor (The Little Bear) circles the North Star, which is directly above Earth's North Pole. So finding this constellation always points you to North. In the Southern Hemisphere, you look for the Southern Cross which is pretty close to celestial south.

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14y ago

1). Find Polaris (the North Star).

2). Measure or estimate the angle of Polaris above the northern horizon.

The angle of Polaris above the northern horizon is equal to the observer's north latitude,

within about 2/3 of a degree.

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Q: How could you find the direction North by looking at the night sky and its stars?
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