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You can tell by the size, male underground frogs tend to be much larger in size then a female frog!

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Q: How do you know the difference between a girl and boy underground frog?
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Where can you find pictures showing the difference between a girl frog and a boy frog?

You can find it in or in a reserch website

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yes, males are smaller and flatter whereas females have a more rounded body shape

How can you tell the difference between girl young frogs and boy young frogs?

That is a very good answer reader, well it actually depends of what kind of frog is is like if it is a bull frog you can tell but if it is a fire belly frog no one knows.

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The only sure way is really quite simple: wait until is grows up and either starts calling or not.

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There is no difference but I think the girl ants weigh a fraction less

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