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You can buy a app on your iPod/iPad or you can press your fingers on the bag and feel the objects they hold gun, hat, helmit ect.

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Q: How do you know what Lego minifigure are you going to get on the minifigures bag?
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Can you get a LEGO minifigure of the LEGO club minifig max?

You have to join the Lego club magazine at Then you have to be a V.I.P. Member (but I don't know how.) Then when you should find something in one magazine and it will say would you like a free max?

How do you print on LEGO?

As far as i and any of my friends know you cannot print on Lego. But there are many web sites that sell decals that you can stick on your minifigures and some bricks. I recomend I've used it before and it had great prices and service.

Is Lego going to come out with any new themes?

yes it will have Lego space and i don't know

Is there going to be a Season 4 of Lego Ninjago?

As far as I know, yes

Is there going to be a Lego batman 3?

i dont know idiots stupid

How do you get free Lego Star Wars minifigures?

You can't really get free Lego figures unless a friend, or someone you know gives you them. However, great sites like eBay offer a cheap, trusty, professional service and give you what you want. Try it - honestly it works, I buy from eBay all the time, and know how useful and trustworthy it really is. I'm sure you'll find all the Lego Star Wars figures you ever wanted there! :)

What is the next LEGO video game after LEGO Harry Potter 2?

The next lego video game is probably going to be lego ninjago. I know this because of the recent sets in the ninjago collection, and there is now a TV show for Ninjago.

How do you build LEGO blast doors?

I don't know if you will understand this but first you must have some clears space for it on a Lego baseplate.First you must put some flat or smooth peices on the bottom then you make the door you can make the doors how long you want or how thick you want but just one Lego block thick works best.But you know that you have to HAVE TWO DOORS FOR A BLAST DOOR! Alright now for building hints you build the door then you make some type of wall on both sides of on part of the door,OH WHEN YOU BUILD THE DOORS YOU MIGHT WANT TO MAKE A HANDLE ON BOTH OF THE DOORS OF YOUR NOT USINGHANDLES ITS TOO HARD TOO EXPLAIN ON HERE TO BUILD. For building the doors you must build Lego blocks around the edges of the door and you want the door to be atleast a liitle bit higher than the minifigure so they can actually go through it. So for the door you should leave atleast two minifigures sidebyside for the size of the doors for the rest of it you build Lego bricksaround it and then put a baseplate on top of it then your done the two doors should slide sideways hope this helps

Why is there not going to be a new Lego Batman video game?

Don't know who told you that. Lego Batman 2: DC Superheroes is expected to have a launch this summer for all major systems and handhelds.

Is there going to be Skulduggery Pleasant LEGO?

how am i supposed to know? you think wikianswers can answer anything? like the all-knowing eye or something? well guess what. i know from experience that it isn't.

How do you enter your LEGO club membership code on your LEGO universe account page?

i don't really have the answer, wanted to know if you have already found a solition - my kiddo asked me to have it done for and i spent an hour going back and forward from Lego and Lego universe websites - can't find a place where it shall be entered in on my account

Is LEGO WWE going to come out?

No, there is not a set. But you can all ways be creative and make your own ring!