

Best Answer

You can know what people are searching for in your website by signing up with Google analytics or stat counter. Google Analytics is absolutely free and provides a lot of high end features including features like

  • What all webpages were visited by a user in your website.
  • What location were the users coming from.
  • How many users came either per day, per week or per month.
  • How many of them were repeat audience. For more information you can check out
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Q: How do you know what people are searching for in your website. Which searched keywords are resulting in more clicks and which ones are not resulting in more clicks?
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What does seach engine mean?

A search engine is a program that will instantaneously scan the internet for websites and other data that match the keywords that you are searching. If there is an exact match for a website that you are searching, that will come up first in your search.

How can you determine if someone searched for you?

There is no direct way to determine if someone has searched for you. Search engines like Google do not provide this information to individuals. If someone visits your social media profiles or website after searching for you, you may see an increase in traffic or notifications but this does not confirm that they specifically searched for you.

What is Keyword Research and Analysis?

Keyword research is important in order to be able to narrow you niche so that there is less competition for your page when it is crawled by the Search Engines. It is just one of many factors that may contribute to higher search engine rankings more traffic. Google has a free keyword research tool to help you find the best keywords and phrases for your topics. The best keywords have: a) high search volume - lots of people searching for that phrase b) low competition - not too many pages on the web that feature that phrase

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Top Keywords is a website that mainly offers an accurate list of some of the top keywords, especially in the last two days or year. These keywords can be used by other people to set up their site around these keywords.

How to Select Keywords and Key Phrases for Your Website using strategies and tools for Key Phrase Search marketing.?

Use Google Insight to determine what keywords and key phrases are actually being searched. You dont want to optimize to a term that no one is using. We also use Google Adwords to determine what keywords people are using. By spending a little bit of money there you can get exact stats on what keywords might work well for your web site.

What are some basics a new SEO needs to know?

SEO is the activity that ensures that a website can be found based on certain words and phrases that are searched. A new website or business owner would need to know the best keywords to include in the keyword tool that would make their business or website easier to find.

What is generic and specific keywords in seo?

Keywords or search terms are the most important elements for any website. Identifying the right search terms that precisely describe the theme of a website is very important for the success of any website. Highly competitive keywords are known as generic keywords,in a website may make it difficult to attain top positioning for such keywords. Hence, when working on keywords the key focus should be on more specific terms rather than generic terms.

What is the function of URL submission websites?

One would use URL submission websites top get the website added to a database for searching. This sets up the process so that the websites can be searched for.

How does a website use adwords?

When advertisers want their ads to appear in conjunction with certain terms or tags, they usually collect their keywords into categories, which are then processed by services like Google Adwords, which relate relevant terms using algorithms. As a result, the ads are only displayed to internet users who either searched for those specific keywords, or related terms.

Where can someone see pictures of different colored eyes?

You can easily do this by googling or searching on any image website. Then you can browse the various coloured eyes you searched for. You can search for eyes with multiple search terms.

Why am I on this website?

Because you searched this up