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Increased heart rate, increased anxiety, cardiac dysrhythmias.

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Q: How do you know when adderall dosage becomes dangerour?
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Adderall should say the dosage and the name on the pill some pills have the dosage and some say adderall is it the correct pill?

It's been awhile since I've seen some of them, but I believe most say Adderall then whatever mg they are. I know the 25mg says that, it's like half white have orange. The 30mg is like half orange half clear with little beads inside. Then the 10 or the 20 is pure orange I believe.

Is adderall bad to take while taking progesterone pills?

No, it's not bad. In fact it may make the adderall more effective. It activates the neuroreceptor sites that are stimulated by amphetamine. So while it's not necessarily bad, your dosage may need adjusting. And furthermore your symptoms requiring the adderall may be better managed with balancing of your hormone levels.

Adderall to exspensive?

Adderall is free if you know the right people ;] i get 30mg XR for free almost everday because I know a kid who gets it.

Is there a 70mg adderrall?

Unfortunately not, Adderall only comes in 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5, 15, 20, and 30mg's because it's a little bit stronger than it's counterparts, such as Vyvanse, Focalin, and Ritalin. Honestly I don't know why you would need 70mg's of Adderall, but I'd honestly just take a couple of them until you reach the proper dosage for yourself. Not however saying to keep popping adderall like tic tac's! Just to clarify.

Should you get your prescription of Adderall increased if day 1 was great but now on the third day it does not have the same effect and you're not as focused and calm as you were on day 1 and 2?

If you just started taking Adderall (XR I am assuming??), then your doctor, like most others, probably started you out at a very low dose such as 10mg. The purpose of this is to slowly acquaint your system with the medication, as well as to intend to increase the dosage because each person is different and may require different dosages. If you doctor did not tell you to increase your dosage in 1, 2, 3 etc. weeks, then you should probably contact him/her and let him/her know you need to increase your dosage.

Is adderall 15mg Rx is an all day release?

I don't know what adderall 15mg Rx is, but I presume you are referring to adderall 15 XR, and yes it is. The XR in medications generally means extended release.

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Is Adderall a form meth?

No adderall is a prescription drug. Meth is made in a bath tub in your local trailer park. They are both highly addictive i know being a former adderall junkie. They are both amphetamines but no they are both amphetamines

Can you have a couple drinks with adderall and is starting with 20mg of adderall safe?

scientifically i don't know. but i drink when i take my adderall often and it doesnt mess me up. i started on 5 mg. i think that's where your doctor should tell you to start

What does a 150Mg Adderall look like?

There is no such thing as a 150mg Adderall. All Adderall XR doses have the word "Adderall" on them along with the dosage, and they are in a capsule (Either blue or orange) and filled with small beads. Of the IR Adderall I know, the 10mg pills are blue and the 20 and 30mg pills are orange. Both have "AD" written on one side of them. They can be circular or oval shaped. Hope this helps.

How long should you be on Adderall?

If you are taking Adderall for ADHD or narcolepsy, when you first start taking it, you may start to feel its effects in about an hour. However, as you keep taking it, your brain will develop a tolerance to it which will cause its effect to continued to be delayed. If you are on it long enough, it may take 3 to 4 hours before it becomes effective and, indeed, it may not become effective for you at all until the second dose kicks in.

Did you buy Adderall online?

Treatment like Adderall and Ritalin works effectively to address its symptoms. However, before you buy Adderall, you should know its primary usage, possible side effects, and precautions. Order now : Rehabilative. com