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You know that someone is full of crap when they either barf/vomit on you or run to the bathroom. The first sign is when someone farts. That is the first warning. The second warning is when you are walking and can't stop farting. The third sign is when your stomach hurts and you feel like you are going to throw up. To avoid this, drink lots of liquids daily and try to go to the bathroom even if you don't feel like it.

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Q: How do you know when someone is full of crap?
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Not if it's with someone you love! Edit:No there is no such thing as too much sex. And its not a sin too have sex no matter what. And the peron who said not if its someone you love is full of crap go have sex with whoever you want. You dont have to love someone to have sex with them

How does one know whether or not Answers com is full of crap? is a website where ordinary people, like you or me, can register to answer one another's questions. Whether the answers are correct or not is your call.

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It means that life will always be full of crap