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the Queen bee flies twice once to mate and, she is alone second to lead her swarm, shes not alone

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Q: How do you know when the queen bee is in mating flight?
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How often does a queen mate?

A queen bee typically mates once in her lifetime during a mating flight where she mates with multiple drones. This single mating session provides enough sperm for the queen to lay eggs for the rest of her life, which can last several years.

What do the Queen bee do?

She reroduces by mating with male bees or drones.

What stops the queen bee from leaving the hive?

Nothing - but she only leaves the hive twice in her life. Firstly on a mating flight not long after she emerges from her larval state and then again when the colony swarms.

Can a queen honey bee fly?

Yes. About five days after a queen emerges from a brood cell she will leave the hive on a mating flight over one or two days, when she will mate with up to 20 drones. After this she will return to the hive, and will not leave it again unless the colony becomes overcrowded in which case she will lay eggs in a few special queen cells then leave with about half of the workers in a swarm to look for a new home. The queen larvae she leaves behind will be tended by the remaining workers.

The age a bee is able to reproduce?

When a virgin queen honey bee emerges from its pupa case, it spends a few days within the colony gathering strength and readying its wings for flight. It then leaves the colony on a mating flight which may last for a few hours and when it returns, is able to lay fertile eggs.

What is a father bee called?

Male bees are called Drones. The queen has one mating flight when she will join with many drones before returning to the hive and beginning to lay fertilised eggs. She only mates during that one flight in her life-time.

Why do drones die after mating with the queen bee?

i think it dies It does die. The male bee (drone) actually deposits its genitalia inside the queen bee in a semi-explosive transfer that can be heard as an audible popping. Such a vivsections commits the Drone to a rather painful suffering and eventual death.

How the female bee finds the the male bee whom she mates with?

actually, it's the other way around. what happens is quite simple really. the queen bee, who is the only bee that mates and is the mother of the hive, goes on what is called a mating flight and flies out of the hive and begins to fly around. the male bees, which are known as drones, then fly out of their hives and go to where the queen is at and begin to mate with her while flying high up in the air. the queen only needs to mate 5 or 6 times, although she can mate 10 to 12 times. after mating, the male dies. the queen then returns to her hive and stays there, for the most part, for the rest of her life.

How do honey bee eggs get fertilized?

A virgin queen bees goes on a mating flight when she will mate with around a dozen drones (male bees). This is the only time in her life when she will do this. When she lays an egg, it will already be fertilized from semen stored within her body.

Why does the queen bee not die after she stings?

A honey bee queens has a sting that is smooth like a hypodermic needle so it can be removed after stinging. A honey bee worker s has a sting that is barbed like a fishing hook so it stays embedded after stinging. However, you do not need to worry about being stung by a queen bee since they only use them against other queens.

What types of bee dies after mating?

The male bee (drone).

How many times does the bee queen mate?

the queen bee flies on her mating flight for 2-3 days during which time the males chase her and mate with her. estimates are that she mates with 10-25 males during that time. afterwards she goes into the hive and never mates again. the sperm lasts her for 2-3 years and when she runs out the worker bees kill her.