

How do you know when you have malaria?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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Symptoms of malaria include a cyclical pattern of fever, chills, headache, sweats, fatigue, nausea and vomiting.

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How many years can you live with malaria?

You can live for a few weeks if your malaria is not treated, If you know about your malaria and treat it well, you may not die with the disease!

How did they cure malaria in Medieval Times?

They didn't. People died from malaria and they didn't know what it was or caused by.

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I really do not know that answer. But barny does!

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king tuts died of malaria so if you know someone with malaria thats how he died.

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By what know I thought Mosquitos caused malaria? malaria is NOT transmitted through the air. it is a parasite in the bloodstream and is transmitted by mosquitos which have bitten a malaria sufferer..

Where did malaria star?

Malaria has been infecting humans for at least 50,000 years, and may have existed as a pathogen in other species for even longer. For this reason it is impossible to know where the first cases of malaria appeared. While the earliest references to a malaria-like illness come from China, that is by no means an indication that malaria originated in Asia.

How do you know when malaria is cured?

When your fever has responded to antimalarial drugs, you are taken as cured of malaria. Primaquine removes the parasite from your liver, but then the parasite is not generally removed from liver, when you are resident of the endemic area. If you are from malaria free area or have got falciparum infection, then primaquine course will cure you of malaria.

HOW do you know 2 organisms are not part of the same species?

Because malaria

What is the prognosis for malaria?

i dont know,, i am learning bout it myself!! lol

What the treatment for malaria?

The treatment for malaria depends with the type of malaria. There are two types of malaria: mild malaria and severe malaria. The severe malaria requires intravenous (IV) drug treatment and fluids in the hospital while mild malaria requires oral medication.

What is the cost of the countries of Africa by malaria?

i would like to know the cost of malaira tablets

How exactly does Artemisinin kill the malaria parasite?

I know it is because of artemisinins unusual peroxide bridge... but how exactly i don't know