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It is really pretty simple to figure out without a lot of mystery. If you have a 28 day cycle as most women do your ovulation is on or about day 14. The easy way to figure this out is an old fashion pocket calendar. Get one and when you start your period mark the date on the calendar with a check. That is day one and keep going until your next period. Do this each month and you will see a pattern. Not only will you know how long your cycle is, but when the mid point of it is. That is usually when ovulation occurs. Remember that if you have sex between days 11 and 18 you could get pregnant. Sperm lives in the uterus for 5-6 days which means in a 28 day cycle if you have sex on day 11 the sperm will be present when you ovulate on day 14. So, if you don't want a bundle of joy make sure to use protection. You should be using protection all the time anyway.
You can go get a test from a drug store and that will give you a 3 day range on when you are most likely to conceive.

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Many women do not know when they are ovulating and have no symptoms. Some women claim to get tiny pains during that time.

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How do you know how many hours there are before your ovulation?

At your local drugstore, they should sell over the counter tests to tell you when your ovulation is.

Where can I find an online ovulation calculator?

Check out Sprint Medical's website for best Ovulation Calculator Ovulation time is the most fertile day that can help you in getting pregnant. Read on to know more about how ovulation calculation can help you.

How can you know if its your ovulation period?

You will have signs of cramps and white discharge.

What is a ovulation predictor?

One of the methods to predict ovulation is calendar method. You just check you menstrual cycle and calculate ovulation. e.g. If you have a 28-day cycle, ovulation starts around the 14th day of the menstrual cycle. I use this calendar and it helps me to know days of ovulation.

What if your period is August 10 when is your ovulation date?

Before you can calculate your ovulation day, you must first determine, the date of your last period's first day and you need to know your menstrual cycle. This two information is needed in order for you to calculate your ovulation using an ovulation calculator. The date of your period is not enough information, to calculate ovulation.

When do you know that am pregnant after ovulation?

You can take a test 2 weeks after sex.

How would you come to know if your ovulation has occur or not?

If you are really concerned then I would suggest using an ovulation prediction kit because they tell you when you could ovulate.

How possible is it to know your ovulation period when your menstrual cycle is irregular?

You should visit your gynocologist since irregular periods/ovulation can be very difficult to track.

What ovulation calculator has the best rating?

I do not know much about this, but the internet is your friend. Go to to find out. That is the first search result that comes up.

How can a woman who isn't menstruating know her ovulation period?

body temp. rise

How do you have kids quicker?

Do you mean, how you can get pregnant fast? If you want to have a child soon, you need to know about ovulation so you would know when is the fertile days. This is the period where a female have a higher chance to get pregnant. There are many ways to know if one is fertile or not, thus it is important to know the different signs of ovulation.

Is there an ovulation calendar that I can use so I know the best chance of getting pregnant?

You can find a free ovulation calendar at The ovulation calendar can help you determine the best time for you to try and get pregnant based on your cycle and a couple of other factors.