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Q: How do you know whether a material is a conductor or an insulator?
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Is a iron nail a conductor or insulator?

it would be a conductor, as most metal conducts electricity.

Bad conductor of heat is know as?

An insulator

Is tissue paper a conductor or a insulator?

A piece of notebook paper is not a conductor it is an insulator

Is a key a insulator or a conductor?

A metal key would conduct electricity.

Materials that are neither good conductors nor good insulators?

a material is neither a good conductor nor a perfect insulator because the number of free electrons determine the conductivity of a material.when we charge the material by electrification the transfer of electrons from one body to another takes place.and the atom is ionized because in each atom electrons are attracted by other material and net charge on the body is positive.but this is not permanent nor we know that earth is a charged body and charge on conductor can be discharge by earthing a conductor and it is no more conductor.similarly in insulators the aoms locally polarize by bringing close to any charged body and the charge on insulator is temporary because there is deficiency of electrons.if we continously charged the insulator material finally a stage is reached when it becomes conductor e.g when clouds are attracted they charged the air and air becomes conductor and lightening strikes,we also know that air is insulator but due to excess charging air becomes conductor.

How do you know if a material is a conductor or an insulator?

The simple answer: test it. Try to run a current through it. Complicated: it's really complicated. It involves the quantum model of an atom and valence bands.

Would a copper pipe work better a conductor or an insulator?

A copper pipe would work as a conductor because most metals like copper, they are well conductors. If you want to know an example of an insulator, you can say rubber is a good insulator.

Would a copper pipe work as a better conductor or an insulator?

A copper pipe would work as a conductor because most metals like copper, they are well conductors. If you want to know an example of an insulator, you can say rubber is a good insulator.

Is a toothpick a conductor or a insulator?

If the toothpick is made of wood or plastic, it would act as an insulator.

Is 2P a conductor or insulator?

It is a conductor.

Is a penny a conductor or an insulator?


How do you know if a material will carry electricity?

If you know what the material is you can determine whether the material is a normal conductor of electricity by reference. If not try completing a circuit with torch battery(ies), a bulb from the torch, some wire and see if the bulb lights up. If so the material in the circuit conducts electricity.