

How do you know who the baby hamster mom is?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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you will have to ask the person who sold you the hamster that is the only way.

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Q: How do you know who the baby hamster mom is?
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When can you hold a baby hamster?

no or the mom will eat them

Why do mom hamsters eat their yong?

if you touch the baby hamster's mom thinks they have a disease and eats the baby

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After hamster have baby's do you take out the dad hamster?

yes the dad and mom ( sometimes the mom) will eat his babies. Also the babies do not need their dad only their mom for food.

How do you nurse baby hamster when mother hamster has died?

This is what you do. There are two things you can do. One is put some milk into a medicene dropper and put it in their mouths. Or buy another girl hamster(same kind) and take some bedding out of the new mom hamster and rub the baby hamsters in it. Put on of the baby hamsters that was rubbed in the new mom's bedding and put it with the new mom. If the mom doesn't eat it do the same things with rest. Hope this helps!

How do you feed a baby hamster?

Put whatever you're feeding to the baby hamster in an eye dropper or medicine dropper. Don't touch your baby hamster until they are three weeks. The mom will probably do the feeding, though.

If the baby hamster is sick will the mom eat it?

yes because the baby will die soon or later

When can you take a baby hamster of its mom for a short period of time?

You may not take baby hamster from their mother until they are at least two weeks old!

When the teddy bear hamster has babies do you separte the mom and the baby's?

No. What ever you do do not seperate the mom and her babies they will die almost imediately!

How can you tell when the mother hamster has eaten a baby hamster?

When theres one less hampster in the cage and the mom is fat and there's blood every where.

When do you know when a hamster is pregneat?

If it has a bunch of baby hamsters

How old do the baby hamster need to be in oder to clean it with the mom in it?

at least 2 weeks old.