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Your cervical mucus should be similar to an egg white. Check out this website

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You may have a slight fever on that day of the egg.

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Q: How do you know you ovulated menstrual cycles are irregular?
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How do you know when the female can get pregnant?

After a female has reached a certain age to have menstrual cycles, then they can have children.

How do you know if your not regular in your menstrual periods?

You know that your periods aren't regular because they'd not be coming on a regular basis like they were supposed to. When we talk of irregular cycles we mean weeks or months difference between one cycle and the next or/and mid-cycle spotting.

What is the best birth control for regulating menstrual cycles?

This is a question for your doctor or midwife as they know you and needs.

How possible is it to know your ovulation period when your menstrual cycle is irregular?

You should visit your gynocologist since irregular periods/ovulation can be very difficult to track.

You had your last period in Jan 30 but results are negative are you pregnant?

When was your last pregnancy test taken? Do you know if you ovulated? If so do you know when you ovulated? Are your cycles regular? There are many possibilities here. You should consult a doctor for a blood test. This is truly the only way for you to be 100% sure.

Can a menstrual cycle cause you to be hungry?

The menstrual cycle is the reproductive cycle of a woman, while she is of reproductive age and not suppressing her cycles with hormonal birth control, she is always experiencing her menstrual cycles. Hunger is a basic human need, it lets you know when to eat, you will always be hungry throughout your entire menstrual cycle - this is called being human.

How do you know your period's coming?

You know your period is coming by keeping track of your menstrual cycles so that you can better predict when your periods are due, or better still would be to use fertility awareness to monitor your cycles daily so you know exactly where you are in your cycle. Your body changes throughout your menstrual cycles so monitoring changes such as changes to discharge lets you know when you're about to start your period, everyone has their own unique cues that tell them when their periods are about to start.

Do fishes menstruate?

No, menstruation is particular to mammalsFish do not have menstrual cycles, but they have breeding cycles and they lay externally fertilized eggs.

If i have poly cystic ovaries and irregular periods and lmp is not known how do i find th baby's age?

You have to do follicular study to know your menstrual cycle.

How often do female dogs have menstrual cycles?

Female dogs do not have actual menstrual cycles. Instead, they have estrus cycles. These cycles consists of proestrus, estrus, diestrus and anestrus. The number of cycles varies by breed with most breeds cycling two times a year,

When will I get my period if it lasted twelve days it started May 2 and ended May 13?

How are we supposed to answer this? We don't know your menstrual cycles to know when your periods may be due, you should know this to determine your next period.

Why does your period change dates?

The calendar is a man-made invention, your body has no way of knowing what date it is to know when it 'should' be ovulating or menstruating. When you menstruate is determined by your menstrual cycle, your menstrual cycle may be longer than a month (not to mention different months have a different number of days), menstrual cycles can also vary by up to a week or your cycles can be longer when you're stressed. You determine when your period is due based on your cycle, not the date.