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If the male is not interested in the female betta, (which is usually the case when bettas are to old, too young, or the female is not ready to have kids) the male will attack it.

If the male is interested, then the male will make a bubble nest in order to keep the eggs safe. Then, the male will chase the female violently. This is called a courtship. The male will then fertilize the female's eggs and place them in the bubble nest. He will then chase the female away. He will either eat the eggs or guard them. If he guards them, eggs will continue to fall off the nest, so the male will pick them up with his mouth and put them back until the eggs hatch.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Put your male betta in a tank alone...leave him for a few hours to get comfy and then put your female in a glass jar (with water of course) and lower it into the tank with the male. Watch both of their reactions - the male should swim close in to the jar and "flare" it's gills out, almost like it wants to fight. The female should start to display 2 vertical bars along the middle of her body. These are good signs that they are ready to breed, but watch carefully when you put them in together anyway. the male will make a bubble nest

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14y ago

The male bettas blow these bubbles that you can't pop. The babies go in because he takes care of the babies because she eats them.

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14y ago

When a Betta is eager to mate and ready he will often build a bubble nest.

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15y ago

They build a bubble nest.

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12y ago

It would puff it's fins up

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Q: What do male bettas do when then want to mate?
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Why do male bettas fight?

because it is territory or maybe if they both want to mate the same female they will fight and the winner goes to the female if she allows it

What fish are compatible with male bettas?

Betta's are pretty good with other fish, it's rare that they will fight, maybe with other betta's

Can a male plakat betta fish mate with a regular female betta fish?

Yes all bettas can mate with other bettas. " regular betta fish" there are different types and they can all breed together.

What do female bettas do when then want to mate?

They develop dark horizontal lines the length of their bodies.

Can Female and male bettas share a tank?

Unless the female is ready to mate, you should keep a divider between them.

Can a male betta mate with two female bettas?

yes, he can wait apx 16 days after first breeding

What does it mean when a male betta fish blows bubbles and shows his gills?

White, blue, the color doesn't matter. When a male betta makes a bubble nest, it means he is happy, in good conditions, and is ready to mate. I wouldn't recommend trying to make them mate unless you are very experienced, as male bettas will be very aggressive even to females. At least one of them will end up dying most of the time. If you really want to mate your bettas then please look online for a guide, but I'd recommend you don't as it is very hard.

Why won't your male betta make sperm when it is time for him to mate?

it doesn't because it is not a human. he only needs a bubble nest. female bettas make eggs to be placed into them by the male.

What are the ways that bettas mate?

spawning embrace

Why do male Bettas like to be separated?

They can eat eachother. Male Bettas like to be seprated because 1.a male might be annoying another male 2.I tried it back then while I was a bigginer and one almost got killed 3.only put them together if you want them to be killed. Male Bettas are teritoral. They get mad when they see other male bettas and want to challenge theam to a fight. But, a good way to get your bettas confidence up is to put a mirrior next to the tank. That way, they see theam selves. get all pufedd up and attack. But no attack back. So, remove the mirrior after 30 min. or so.

Why do male bettas fight when they're not ready to mate?

Territory. In their natural habitat there is no room for interlopers. They must defend their area or be removed from the food chain.

Do bettas kill guppys?

Bettas will eat baby guppys as will most other fish, but in general, male Bettas will only fight with other male Bettas. They do not fight with other species of fish