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You leave when he's not around WITH them.


See an attorney immediately and get a court order for temporary custody.

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Q: How do you leave your abusive partner hen you know he wont let you take the kids?
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How do you help your friend leave an abusive partner?

bring in the police first,then if she doesn't leave,try spending more time with her as in,bring her to places that she can volunteer.when she learns how to give(love),she would know what to do next

Can a man from non-abusive upbringing become an abuser if with a partner who grew up in an abusive home with no therapy at all?

It is highly unlikely that man who does not have an abusive personality will become an abuser if their partner grew up in an abusive home and refuses help. Good men know they should never hit a woman which in some cases can lead to male abuse by a woman. The stress of being around an abusive person be it verbally or physical abuse is bound to have effects on the non abusive partner, but most men will only take so much and have the opportunity of leaving the relationship.

Why was he trying not to be abusive but he was?

Men who are abusive generally have learned this from the environment in which they grew up. Some men have a short fuse and blast off with either verbally abusive words or they become physically abusive with their partner. Some men know deep inside it is wrong, but don't know how to get help and most men refuse to seek psychological counseling because it makes them feel weak and not masculine. If he refuses to get help then you have the power to get out of the abusive relationship.

You have been with your partner for 11 years and he hits you and always calls you names?

when your partner goes to work pack everything up and leave That is NOT love, it is an abusive relationship and you KNOW deep inside you deserve better. You CAN and WILL survive without him, you CAN and WILL be free and you CAN and WILL live without him. Contact a refuge or an expert for confidential advice, they can set you up in a safe house. Don't wait until its too late.

Should you leave a verbally abusive partner?

It really just depends on what he calls you. Are you aware of the fact that he's just "joking" in his point of view or not? ----------- Does he know that he's hurting you by his words? If he does, is he hurting you on prupose? Ask him these things, tell him it hurts. If it makes no difference to him then you have your answer. If he didn't realize how hurt you are, then you two can talk about it. If a couple can discuss these things, then they can work it out and you probably wouln't want to leave him.

If an emotionally abused woman stands up to her abusive partner is she in turn being abusive as her partner says she is?

Only if the woman started the abusive in the first place. If not she's just sicking up for herself. If abusive partner is hit, yell ect. first then the woman is being abusive, but if the partner is being abusive first, the woman has every right to do it back. You are not at all being abusive back defending yourself! However, it seems that people who are in abusive relationships tend to mimic the behavior of the abuser--therefore in defending yourself you may find yourself doing the same behavior as the abuser. If you know this to be the case, than it is possible you yourself are being abusive. Abusers seldom change. The best thing for the spouse of an abuser is to sit down alone and make a decision as to whether they are going to stay or leave. In most cases the healthiest choice is to leave. Abuse is about control and the abuser will fight with everything he/she has to keep that control. It is often misunderstood that the abuser is a bully, in fact, the abuser is the weak one as they feel out of control in their own environment. In order to survive (in their own minds) they need to control what is around them. Unless the abuser is willing to seek out professional help (and most don't unless our judicial system forces this issue) then the spouse should leave this situation or they will lose all identity of who they are themselves. So, my answer to you is not to fight the abuser. You won't win! As the other poster pointed out you will usually get sucked into a void where you may become absusive yourself (verbally) because of the frustrating circumstances with which you are dealing with. When I say "leave" I know this is a very hard decision to make. Sometimes the fear factor comes into it for the victim and they often wonder how they will manage on their own. If children are involved this is difficult as well, but by staying in an abusive relationship you are teaching your children to become abusive as they start to grow and are soon set out in society. There are many groups out there today that are more than willing to accommodate your needs and to help you set a structure in your new life's endeavors. Good luck Marcy You realize this is a typical self-defence tactic of abusers? "I'm not the one with the problem, YOU ARE!" Typical..... Please read up on abusers and their tactics that they use to keep your under control. And remember, it's a losing battle with these people, pick up your stuff and leave. They never ever change. NEVER. A friend who knows how you feel

When do you leave an abusive relationship when their are kids involved?

The first time, should be the last time.Kids should really be put first in this situation because the trauma of an abusive environment can affect them as they grow older in so many ways.Also if this question is being asked on behalf of yourself, you deserve better, I'm sure because nobody deserves to be abused, especially in a relationship, it should be about love, happyness, trust etc and I know that in an abusive relationship there is more sadness than there is happiness. I'm sure you will have the love and support of your children if you were to leave and they will be the ones who bring you true happiness as they flourish in life.

How can you leave someone who is abusive?

Leaving a relationship - abusive or not - is not easy. all I can say is it is hard especially if you have kids you have to get to the point where enough is enough and move on try to find something to occupy your time but dont jump into another relatinship because you will need to recover from this one,My son father I was married to was very abusive and I finally left him but it took me 9 years but I can tell you it is a great deal of relief but be careful of your next relationship because if you see the signs then you know to get away from this one before it is too late

Why some spouses remain in a abusive relationship?

because it may be all the know, they may love their spouse, or may be afraid to leave. It could be a variety of reasons

Do abusive men ever leave their partners or is it a test to see if you will call them?

Usually abusive men are in love with the control they have over their partners. They will do various things to keep the abuse going which includes leaving their partner, holding back on affection, etc. They will do ANYTHING to keep that control. So no it's not a test to see if they can get you to call them, it's a way of keeping control over their partner to break them down emotionally. Everything that is done is intentional & the abuser will get upset when they are not getting the results they are wanting and the abuse will usually escalate from there. It's a cycle and the only person that can end it is the victim. When you're in an abusive relationship it is hard to break free but know that you are putting your life at risk by continuing to stay in this situation. Good luck & God Bless!

How can a woman with a history of abuse dissuade herself of the misconception that her present non-abusive partner will be abusive so that she does not sabotage the potentially healthy relationship?

Abusive behavior directed at a non-abusive partner isn't triggered by any misconception that her partner will be abusive. The abusive behavior is more like an immediate, reflexive defensive act against even the slightest hint or suggestion that a hurtful action may be forthcoming from the "nonabusive" partner, and all this according to a very negative and even paranoid interpretation by the woman of her non-abusive partner's behavior. And then she may never recognize or acknowledge her own abusive behavior unless by some crisis or extraordinary instant of enlightenment she finally sees her behavior as it is. But that isn't enough. She couldn't correct her "misconception" by her self, but by steadfastly and steadily working through the problem in therapy. Some abusers adamantly deny doing any of their abusive acts and will likedly never change. The victims of prolonged, persistent, and sadistic abuse often experience Post Traumatic stress Disorder (PTSD) and other, related, reactions. You need professional help to overcome these after-effects. Joining an online or offline support group also helps. I think you and your partner both need counseling. Especially you. If you have any kids, they need it as much as you do. That is probably the only way to get over your fear. You probably won't be able to do it on your own. It's not your fault, it's just the way the mind works. I totally know how this woman feels..... She must go and seek professional help, to help restructure the way she sees things...or else the fear will dictate her life. I wish her the best and hope that past abusers will not ruin her life. Remind her that she does not need to be ashamed to go for counceling....It part of the process to healing. c.

Should I leave your kids with pedobear the clown to do clown stuff with your kids for an hour while you go grocery shopping?

absolutely not. That is very dangerous to leave your kid alone with someone you don't even know.