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Why would you want to be with someone who doesn't want you? you will never feel loved and there can be no good from a relationship like that. You need to move on and find something to occupy yourself with while you try to get over it.

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Q: How do you let go of a marriage when you still want to be with your spouse and he doesn't want you?
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Sorry, but, I think he just wants sex with you until he can find someone else. Doesnt want to marry you but doesnt want to be without sex in the meantime. If he is giving you that baloney that he doesnt believe in marriage, it is just with you he doesnt want marriage. Drop this guy and get on with your life with someone that will really care about you and not just your body. You are convenient right now until he finds someone else.

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You're still married. If you want a divorce you could file for divorce, but if you still want to make him legal then you'd have to go through the regular procedures. Talk to either an immigration lawyer or a divorce lawyer.

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Just what it sounds like I would assume- do you still want to be a couple.

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If were talking about cheating - its about simplicity. Most people stray from their marriage because they still want to be married to their spouse. Cheating is just getting sexual of emotional gratification 'on the side'. Sensible people dont want to get too emotionally attached to a single person because that person may want them to leave the spouse. Married people usually are 'safer' to date.

Will marriage counseling work if a spouse had an affair?

Yes if you really want your relationship to work and listen to the advice you are given.

Does an infidelity in marriage automatically mean the end?

If a spouse has only one extramarital affair then it does not mean the end of a marriage, but only that the marriage is in trouble and most of it is caused by lack of communication so each spouse knows how the other feels. Sometimes spouses are married so long that the magic has gone out of their marriage and they may need to get away together on a bit of a romantic holiday even if it is just a weekend away at something you both enjoy. If a spouse is constantly having affairs then yes, it is probably the end of the marriage because the spouse cannot commit to one person and has a disregard for their spouse. Marriage counseling is another good way to learn tools to save the marriage, but often the male spouse is not open to airing out his marriage problems with a counselor.

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You can not force your spouse to do anything. If they don't want to go they don't have to. The only other thing is to get a divorce and then you know you did everything you could to make it work.

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A marriage takes work from both sides. No relationship just works. You both have to work at it. If one person doesn't want to work towards a good marriage maybe they aren't happy enough to? Try and figure out why they don't want to work at it.. and go from there.