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Lague r vs seeker strong trainers vs seeker plus league plus rival = lot exp

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Q: How do you level up a high level Pokemon quickly without rare candy?
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Related questions

How do you level up a Pokemon from level 5 very quickly?

By giving it lots of rare candy.

How do you level up your Pokemon without battling?

You can get rare candy by getting Battle points when you have rare candy just give them to your Pokemon to level up by one hope that helped or use an Exp. share and battle with stronger Pokemon

Can you get your pokemon lv x an easy way without the action replay?

There is an easy way to get your Pokemon to a certain level. All you need to do is collect rare candy and use it on the Pokemon you want to level. This will automatically level up your Pokemon.

'How can you level up Pokemon easily without battling or using the day care in Pokemon pearl?

cheat or buy rare candy that levels up your Pokemon

How do you level up Pokemon quickly in pearl?

with the rare candy i can't believe you don't know thisI you don't have a rare candy then give the Pokemon a lucky egg and challenge the elite four. Use a level 100 so your Pokemon gets maximum exp.**This only works for relatively low-level Pokemon (1-15).

How can you get your Pokemon to level 100 without using a gameshark?

my friend got a action replay and got a bunch of rare candy's and got his Pokemon up to level 100 or u can train a lot!!

How on Pokemon Lake can your Pokemon get higher then level 100?

Rare Candy

What does rare candy do in Pokemon Yellow?

It bumps your Pokemon up a level

What is rare candy in Pokemon Blue?

Rare Candy is an item that increases any one chosen Pokemon's level by 1. Note: Each Rare Candy can only be used once.

How do you get your Pokemon to level 100?

get infinity rare candy's

What is the rare candy cheat on Pokemon diamond as i gave my Pokemon a rare candy but it did not go up to a level 101?

100 is the max there is NO way you can level any further.

What is the best way to level up Pokemon in Pokemon indigo?

rare candy