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A heavy box can be lifted by the simple machine of a lever. Using a plank as the and rod (or similar) as the fulcrum, the box can be lifted, tilted and possibly flipped by applying force to one side of it.

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Q: How do you lift a heavy box with a lever?
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What simple machine can lift a heavy load?

A lever

What simple machine help you lift heavy objects?

The lever.

How do you use a lever?

It is used to lift a heavy object. Place the end of the lever under the rock. Then move a fulcrum (for example a small rock) under the lever close to where it goes under the rock. By moving your end of the lever a lot, you can make the shorter end move a little and lift a heavy weight.

Is the word lift a preposition?

Lift is not a preposition. It is a verb as in Can you lift this heavy box? or, lift is a noun as in Can you give me a lift downtown?

What simple machine reduces the amount of effort needed to lift a heavy object?

Lever Hoist

If you use a board to lift a heavy object you use the board as a?

Probably you are using the board as a lever.

What is the point where s lever turns?

Used to lift heavy objects by changing the direction or amount of force

Advantage of 2nd class lever?

The 2nd class lever reduces the mass of an object, thus it reduces the amount of effort required to lift it. Eg: A wheelbarrow is a 2nd class lever, you are able to move a heavy object with it that you otherwise wouldn't be able to move by yourself.

Is a claw hammer a lever?

Yep! I am not sure what class but it is! Levers help lift heavy objects. Levers work by the farther you are from the fulcrum or pivot as compared to the heavy objects, the lesser the force you will need to lift or pull the object.

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What are the functions of a first class lever?

It makes it easier for the effort force [such as your hand] to lift the resistance force [such as a heavy object].