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Q: How do you light a 3 volt led light with a 6 volt battery?
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first you need a led light (like on Christmas lites), a 3 volt battery, tape and a magnet first slide the battery in between the wires on the led light the long wire should be on the positive side of the battery. then put tape around the light and battery. Finally put the magnet on the positive side of the battery.

Please HELP How do you connect a small LED light to a 3 volt watch battery with the battery one and a half feet away?

Try wires. You will also need a resistor. You also need to know that a watch battery is not rated to carry the current load of a typical LED.

Can a 3 volt battery light 5 leds?

It depend on what the rating voltage of the LEDs are.

What battery powers a 0.5mm LED?

A 3 volt watch battery will work the best but u can also use 2 AA batteries

What is a 3 volt battery?

A 3 volt battery is a battery that produces 3 volts. Many watch batteries produce 3 volts.

How do you split a 6 volt battery into 2 3 volt supplies?

Impossible to do with a single 6 volt battery.

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How to make a 3 volt garage remote work from a 12 volt battery?

Install a 3 volt battery and forget any modifications. It will not operate on 12 volts.

How do you wire 3 batteries together to make 36 volts?

Take 3 twelve volt batteries Run the + of battery #1 to the - of battery #2. Run the + of battery #2 to the - of battery #3. Use the + of battery #3 for your positive feed, and the - of battery #1 for your ground.

How long does it take to charge a 7.2 volt battery using a 7.2 volt charger?

3 hours

How many light bulbs can a 6 volt battery light up?

If the type of light bulb you are using was made to run on 1.5 volts, a 1.5 volt battery should be able to light up one or several of those types if they are each wired in parallel directly across the 1.5 volt battery.If the type of light bulb you are using was made to run on 0.75 volts, a 1.5 volt battery will light up two or more of those types if they are wired in pairs in series across the battery.If the type of light bulb you are using was made to run on, say, 3.0 volts, a 1.5 volt battery will not light it up very much - it may just glow dimly.If the type of light bulb you are using was made to run on any voltage higher than, let's say 5 volts - for instance a standard 120 volt household bulb - then your 1.5 volt battery will not be able to light one of those up at all.Another answerYou can wire any number of 1.5v bulbs in parallel, but for each one you add you will draw more current. Draw too much current and the battery will get hot and may explode, depending on what it is made of.How long the battery will be able to keep the light bulbs lit will depend on the size of the battery, meaning how much charge it can hold. (Its capacity in amp.hours.)