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on your screen there is a shirt click on the shirt then click on Zeus you then can take stuff off Zeus then there u go

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Q: How do you look like Zeus on poptropica Mythology Island?
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How do you look like Zeus on poptropica?

There was a costume item on the ad-game for "Percy Jackson and the Olympians", in July 2010. This was a different version of Zeus and his lightning staff than on Mythology island.

How do you use the crown on mythology island?

To use the crown in Mythology Island on Poptropica, you will need to combine it with the other items you collect to unlock new areas and solve puzzles. The crown is one of the key items that you need to progress through the island and complete your quest.

How do you start the quest on mythology island?

To start the quest on Mythology Island in Poptropica, you need to land on the island and follow the prompts to talk to characters like Hercules and Zeus. Speak to these characters to get quests and advanced through the storyline.

Is there anyway to dress like Zeus in poptropica?


How do you complete Mythology Island?

To complete Mythology Island in Poptropica, you need to find and free five gods, solve puzzles to acquire their artifacts, and defeat Zeus in a final battle. Follow the storyline by completing tasks in different locations like the Underworld, Mount Olympus, and the City of Marathon. Speak with NPCs, gather information, and use the acquired items to progress through the island.

What is the bone code for mythology island on Poptropica?

the code for the bones in the labyrinth on poptropica is u have to spell ten. you click on the bones to take them away to spell ten.

How do you become big like a god on mythology island?

In the final battle on Olympus, you put on Hade's crown and Poseidon's trident to grow larger and battle Zeus.

Where is the museum in Poptropica?

There are many museums in poptropica like in mytholygy island and many more island's!

Why did Zeus hate Hades?

In Greek Mythology, Zeus didnt hate Hades. Hades didnt like Zeus or Poseidon because they stuck him in the Underworld.

Who is the Norse god Odin?

Odin is the god of wisdom in Norse Mythology. He rules over all of the Aesir in Norse Mythology, sort of like Zeus of Greek Mythology, except every symbol of Zeus except for the leadership is more like Thor, Odin's son.

On poptropica what do you do with poisedon's trident?

You go to Zeus behind the gates with Hercules and then you go up the mountain then you see Zeus. He will attack you and you have to win. P.S. After you defeat him you can use the trident and crown. When wearing the crown you grow bigger with spacebar. When using the trident you will light up. If you wear both you look like a glowing giant. If you leave an island or leave a house or something you have to do it again.

How do you get the peace medale in Poptropica?

Complete a mission on a island like Early Poptropica