

How do you lower MCV?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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Definition of law of universal gravitation?

The Law of Universal Gravitation is E= -mGM/r + mcV = m[-u/r, cV ].Gravitation Energy is Quaternion Energy consisting of scalar or Potential energy -mGM/r and vector energy mcV.So-called "Dark Energy" is the vector energy mcV, which is the source of the "Divergent Force", -Divergence of mcV =-mcv/r cos(V)= -ma cos(v).

Why do particles of objects have both kinetic and potential energy?

Particles have both potential and 'kinetic' energy because the energy is a quaternion consisting of a scalar Es and a vector Ev, E = Es + Ev. The 'kinetic' energy is a vector energy mcV. Currently physics 'defines' energy as a scalar not a quaternion, thus 'kinetic' energy is also a scalar and not the vector its name denotes. The idea of potential and kinetic energy implies the quaternion nature of energy, a scalar or potential energy and a vector or kinetic energy. To update Newton's Gravitational Theory E = -mGM/r + mcV = -mu/r + mcV. -mu/r is the potential or scalar or real energy and mcV is the vector or kinetic energy! For Electric energy is the same E = -e2zc/2r + mcV. The wave particle Theory is seen in E = hf + mcV = hc/r + mcV = Q2zc/r + mcV. Physics needs to recognize that the universe is composed of quaternions and energy and other quantities are composed of a scalar or real number and three vector numbers ala William Rowan Hamilton. The same mis naming occurs in Torque = FxR is clearly a vector energy but is precluded from being energy because of the definition of energy as a scalar.

What is the total amount of kinetic energy in an object?

The kinetic energy in an object is EK=mcV where V is the velocity, a vector.

How tangential acceleration produced in a body?

Tangential acceleration is d/dr mcV = mc dVcdt = mdv/dt. The tangential acceleration is dV/dt is produced from the Vector Energy (mcV, the "Dark Energy"). Newton "added" the tangential acceleration as " dV/dt" to balance he Gradient acceleration v2/r 1R.

Kinetic energy is directly proportional to?

Kinetic energy should be called vector energy and is directly proportional to velocity, Ekinetic= mcV.