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Buy one - available in novelty shops, magic shops, cheap vending machines, etc.

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Q: How do you make a Chinese finger trap?
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Related questions

What year was the Chinese finger trap invented?

year 187

How do you escape a Chinese finger trap?

Push both fingers in, inward. Then in that postition, pull out your fingers while the finger-trap is still bent.

How did Annebeth defeat Aracne in the mark of athena?

She used her wit to trick Aracne to make, basically, a Chinese finger trap and Aracne got stuck inside.

How do you make a chines finger trap?

1. Spell Chinese right 2. Buy one - available in novelty shops, magic shops, cheap vending machines, etc.

What finger is the the Chinese middle finger?

The pinky is the Chinese middle finger A chicken finger is the Chinese middle finger. Improved answer: The pinky is NOT the Chinese middle finger. I know, because I'm Chinese! The middle finger is the same. Also, where in the world did you get chicken finger from?

Which finger is the Chinese middle finger?

I believe that the Chinese swearing finger is the pinkie.

What is a bear trap on an air rifle?

Several older models ( Most by the Chinese manufactures ) use a Bear trap loading port for the pellet. It an under lever cocking rifle. When you pull down the lever a large metal door pulls back to reveal the rear of the barrel you must put your finger inside the trap door to load the pellet in the barrel opening. If you don't hold the cocking lever all the way down or back, the trap door can slam shut and cut off the tip of your finger. Hence it is called a bear trap door. It is not as common today as it used to be, but is still used by Chinese manufactures like {BAM or Industry Manufactures) I do not recommend these rifles for that reason.

What is the middle finger in Chinese?

middle finger 中指

What does the pinkie finger mean in Chinese?

In Chinese culture, the pinkie finger can symbolize a close bond or promise, as it may be used in a gesture to show trust or agreement between friends. It can also represent wealth and success in traditional Chinese palmistry, where the length and shape of the pinkie finger may suggest certain personality traits.

What do you say for rats trap in Chinese language?

To say Rat trap in Chinese, you would say: 捕鼠夾 To say Rat trap in German, You would say: Rattenschutz To say Rat trap in Polish, You would say: Pułapka szczur

Why do Chinese people point with an open hand rather than one finger?

Pointing with an open hand is considered more polite and respectful in Chinese culture compared to pointing with a single finger, which can be seen as aggressive or rude. Using an open hand is a way to avoid confrontation and maintain harmony in social interactions.

How do you make a trap?

Be specific. How to make a trap for what.